101st division is a recentlly created multigame clan mainly targeting 1st person shooters. We enjoy a multitude of FPS games including Call Of Duty, Arma 2, Project Reality and many more. 101st Division strives to offer an excellent gaming experience not only for our members but for everyone who interacts with our members as well. We are a mature clan recruiting players from all backgrounds. The clan is mainly focused on having fun within a community, however for the select few who wish to take their game a little further, we are planning on hosting occassional Clan Matches and tournements should such an oppertunity arrise. Please note 101st Division is recruiting only recruiting people 13 + years of age. If you are interested in joining the 101st division clan, or just want to find out more please use the below link or come talk to us on Teamspeak 3! Website: http://www.101stdivision.net/ Teamspeak 3: eurots10.gameservers.com:9101 Hope to see many of you there, Cheers, TJ