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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. Hi tpw,

    first of all - thanks a million for doing a great job.

    I used your combined mod and i´m out of words...the whole package works as it should and i got a feeling, too be involved in a real battle.

    Lively air, ambient life, soldiers searching cover, moving with caution, the embedded radio-chatter arranged a special atmosphere etc.

    to be continued....:)

    Great job and thanks again - you made my day.



  2. OK, last update before I go to sleep.

    TPW FALL v1.04: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_FALL_104.zip


    • Using getpos and playsound3d was causing sounds to be played underground the higher above sea level the unit got. Fixed by using getposasl.

    Thank you so much for your never ending efforts!

    I have so much fun, playing with that improved version, because it works very well and is an immersive work.



    For the interested audience a new visual "promoter" of the new version 1.04

  3. Hello to both of you!

    At first: i´m speechless, seeing a 6 years young boy, Samael, did this addon. (He's a chip off the old block.)

    I never have made something like this, because i have not the cognitive ability...now i feel more than ever downright silly :o

    Nice to see the progress he made, guarded by Myke, his father...i like that very much.

    It´s the right way learning and doing this in a childlike way.

    Well done Samael!

    Be proud Myke.

    Best regards

