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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. 3000 Downloads of Real Light V6 - wow!


    ...that is no accident!  :)


    Hi Solano!


    After using your mod a couple of days, I would like to confirm my first impression and I am now able to describe which visual details are so impressive.

    My very personal and subjective opinion/feeling.

    This mod creates a new and special atmosphere, because it brings a lot more details, like sun bleached stones, very detailed shadows and a fantastic looking vegetation.

    It´s like real, ´cause the colors are fade away under the glare of the sunlight.

    In contrast to it the shadows are much more detailed in overcast situations.


    It´s awesome, I'm lost for words!


    Example pictures and you know what i mean, hopefully... :) 

    Brightness: brightness1k6oqs2w3e_thumb.jpg   Cloudy: cloudy5gznfcjhrb_thumb.jpg   Details: shadows0zcg51yvjn_thumb.jpg   Vegetation: vegetationvlo7dgsuhy_thumb.jpg  Overall: mikexqkep06jm9_thumb.jpg


    The last time I had that feeling - it was the release of a very simple addon, the tpw_houselight, very small but very immersive, the same applies to your "Real Light" mod.


    Thanks again!





    Sorry for my poor english mode of expression - I´m not an english native.  ;) 

    • Like 2

  2. Next update will have UK troops. Been under the weather with some kind of flu bug so its slowed progress a bit. Plus I've had a few pleas to keep FOA going. lol



    Great info,I like your new idea. 

    US and UK - Paratroopers opens up a lot of new options in warfare!  :) 

    Take your time and don´t rush it.




  3. 3nuwvhjc.png


    CNN LIVE+++ Breaking News+++Massive airborne units over Altis spotted+++Unknown number of paratroopers darken the sky +++Situation unclear+++Citizens are scared+++Breaking News +++CNN LIVE



    ...no,no, don´t be scared it´s my lage scaled operation against the CSAT. (Surprise with an unexpected and astonishing assault)

    Thanks to your Airborne Infantry, I won the battle.  :P


    It´s so much fun, thanks again. (I love the mechanized units)




    • Like 1

  4. Hi,


    to bridge the waiting time until the release of the update, here are some pictures of the A164-Wipeout, which are added to the NATO.
    In addition to the classic version, I will also add a woodland version,too. (Samples added)


    A - 164 Wipeout

    wacqxrdo.jpg rzgng52o.jpg o3t34h7x.jpg pnmjfr7e.jpg


    A - 164 Wipeout (Woodland)

    e8bsmtns.jpg  5hfxckaa.jpg 73epp5tp.jpg ok6yv4ag.jpg


    In order to ensure equality of arms to all parties, CSAT will get the TO-199 and the AAF the A-143.

    I hope this will be the answer for all of your requests!  :)



  5. Alpha One:
    "Papabear, I read you Five by Five"!

    "Mission Download accomplished. We are RTB. Do you copy?"

    "Roger that, Alpha One. Good job and congrats sir. See you´ll at base for receiving a beer.
    Papabear out!"


    Mikey, that was the best announcement i've ever read. 

    I'm still laughing...just great!  :lol: 


    ...and of course - thanks for the update!!




    • Like 1

  6. Hi theevancat,


    thanks for your response!


    But, as I already suspected.  :( 
    I have tried every possible way to figure it out, but no chance.
    It´s a lot of new stuff implemented.


    Like this:



    I feel somewhat at a loss and I cannot explain this to myself.
    Now I have to find a modeller ...who is willing to help?!  ;)


    I will see and I won't give up.



    But I found this too, by accident... :rolleyes:


  7. Thanks.


    Next update Ground assault drones will self destruct when disabled.


    The reason behind the drones is Csat is supposed to be more tech advanced than NATO. SOOO I'm going to act on it. ;)


    pah, technical equipment...we will finish the job  with well trained soldiers from mikey... :D

    Thx for the info.



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