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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. Hi mate,


    download done


    Thank you very much for improving one of my favorite missions!

    You saved my weekend  :D

    I´ ll give you a feedback asap.


    Thank you very much for all your efforts and great missions.






    Deleted old steam upload due to errors on attempting to update and general loss of patience

    Hahaha, that´s why I use only my dropbox.  :P

  2. Hi,

    I like the example Mission it is very immersive as I expected and I have alot of fun when I am playing around with this new visual feature, but I got an error when I try to start the second mission "test_snow_meaty".
    Error at mission start: Missing "example retexture config".

    It seems you have not deleted your personal units before you released it. ;) 


    Thanks for that great work iIt´s so cool - literally  :)




  3. One more water pic tested before I get back to other things.


    My understanding is that the issue with fog with these pond objects does not appear if I make sure I do not use the same pond object twice.



    The following screenshot is from a test map generated in Arma 3




    Deceptively real looking bank.

    Great job.




    • Like 1

  4. I personally have never made that experience. As a newbie I have had a lot of questions, but I studied all the stuff by myself at first then I clarified it with some competent guys here on the forum.
    And believe me I never got an rude answer.
    Very simple - ask in a respectful way, never ask in an arrogate way and don´t forget to say thank you, nor take it as a matter of course and you are good to go.  :)


    It´s so simple... ;)



    • Like 1

  5. New stuff is always nice to have and because I know how to do retextures I can understand that sometimes can be a little demanding and irritating. So I do want to thank you. I really don't like when others think stuff is simple to be made but they don't know how to do it themselves. Good luck and keep it going, if you need any help tell me.


    Thanks for the very kind words and your understanding in what we are talking about!

    Furthermore I would like to thank you very much for your offer of help I appreciate that very much and I would like to make use of it later on.  :)

    It's always good to know that someone can help if it's needed.




  6. I will make a small mission like this one, with a few enemy patrolling around an area. Peeps can test it out and see. Maybe I will do that for this weekend with just the blizzard portion (as in the last video) while I continue to hone the larger package I am working on with different snow types. Some feedback might be useful at this point as well.I have a few things to try/modify tonight hopefully (brainstorms on the drive to work haha) but I don't see why a friday beta release of the blizzard shouldn't be possible.


    That's great to hear and I can't wait already!



    (brainstorms on the drive to work haha)

    That sounds very familar to me.  :D


    Thanks and keep it up.






    I have used beta versions of this mod and i can say that it is being continued. Generally speaking, mod makers have their time filled with IRL/mod work/mod testing. Please respect their personal life and allow them time to work on things. I know first hand that mods like this are very complicated and require a lot of time to perfect and work out any "Arma'd" situation, especially thanks to this recent update.


    Thanks alot for the clarification of the facts and no one will/must ask again and again.... :)




  8. Hi folks,


    today I am happy to present the headway of my work in progress.

    The NATO troops are almost ready, except for detailed work.


    Woodland camo (classical BDU)
    Multicam (modern Pattern)
    Desert camo (Tricolor)







    soldier-desert.jpg desertnato.jpg


    The config and the first troops for CSAT Units with woodland camo are ready.

    I choosed a nice combination in modern "Digital Flora Camo" and the classical "VSR. camo".
    The digital Flora are used for the combat suit and the VSR for the equipment.

    It took a lot of time for searching and finding the needed paa´s for texturing.
    Despite of all the difficulties, because the equipment lacked in order to reach the look like of the NATO troops,

    I finished the woodland units and I tried my best to close the visual gap - hopefully?!



    Digital Flora and VSR:

    soldier-repair.jpg backpack.jpg csat-officer.jpg csat-soldier-lite-and-rifleman.jpg harness-detail.jpg harness.jpg


    A note to the BI-Devs:

    Please improve the whole equipment (seperate harnesses, bandoliers, improved vests, holster, etc.) of the CSAT it will worth all the time you spent to it.  :)


    But anyway, have fun and stay tuned for the next heads- up.



  9. ... The problem started when I upgrade my pc to win10, My pc is working fine after 3 bluescreen (on first start after long time off only) but that's not okey for me so I'm gonna need to buy new one or I get free one for warranty not sure yet be in touch. As long as my pc is not working I can't work on any project yet.


    Hi TxT,

    yes, it´s frustrating - same here, but it´s easy to fix...(if no hardware is causing the issue) roll back to the stable Win7 as I did.

    In my opinion the Win 7 is the better solution at the moment.

    However, I wish you the best and good luck.  :) 




    • Like 1

  10. Hi folks,

    a promise is a promise, and promises are to be kept.  :)

    I said I want to keep you up to date, so here is some new info about the ongoing progress.

    For everyone who likes the Woodland BDU, like me,it is almost finished...for NATO.
    Some pictures:

    officer.jpg soldier0.jpg soldier-details.jpg eod-specialist.jpg medic-details.jpg


    What to do next:
    CSAT config. is nearly done, retexture pending.


    A nice side effect will arises from the overall work, because I do not know any mod which brings together all factions, if I am not wrong.
    Every beginner can learn from it, because he has a package of all factions and all content he needs.


    Have fun and stay curious!



  11. Yes is common practice these days...like ACE & RHS compatibility...well since mods makers won't collaborate together it's up to the users make those kind of unofficial compatibility patch

    If you want everything you get everthing...including any errors and incompatibility... ;)

    Modmakers can not run after all errors and improve constantly. Especially when it is not their own work that caused the issues.




    • Like 1

  12. Hello,


    at first I want to say: Great work and a nice idea. Thanks for that.  :)

    I love this "little" things changing the atmosphere.
    Would be nice to combine it with the tpw_foggy_breath script?!
    The coloring could be a little bit more increased, I guess?!
    A video in the nearby town would be helpful to decide it.
    In the forest it looks great, ´cause in reality the colours are fading away.


    I love the Thirsk Winter Map and I will definitely use your script - that is a promise.  :)


    Thanks again and keep it up!



