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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. Hey Jarhead,

    i wanna underline what you´ve said about the "little noises"!

    In my opinion these sounds, like sounds of a falling shell, a squaeking tank or lorry, the metallic sound inside a vehicle - as an example ur VodnikSound - the noise of a gearbox, a clutch and so on.... u know what i mean! ;), are so fundamental to create a "EmbeddedSound" feeling.

    I admire your ideas and i hope you can transfer it into your work! :)

    Thx a lot!

    Best regards


  2. Hey Jarhead,

    take ur time and u get the quality u looking for! :)

    I like ur 'Roadmap' a lot of work to do for one person, but on the other hand you decided by your own without any discussions! ;)

    ! And please, follow your ideas straight and u will be ahead! :)

    Thanks a lot for this (your) Projekt and keep up your amazing work!



  3. Hello,

    first of all, i wanna thank u for the mission and the work u done! :)

    I enjoy the mission, but the gameplay is going to straight, that means, no surprises, and if u choose the right weapons the enemy is neutralized in a minute!

    But i like the idea and my respect for creating a mission!

    I wanna thank you with this statement/test on "ArmA2News"!

    Please feel free to read it!


    Best regards


  4. Hello EMSI,

    thx a lot for this collection of very useful and needed tools, that makes the editing so much easier!

    I´m an amateur in editing, but the "easy to use" Tools, let me make a professional Outlook!

    Keep up ur helpful "UserTools" and for sure, my deeply respect!

    Thx a lot.

    Best Regards


  5. Hello Günter,

    the translation of the post to the Arma2Base community.

    I promised to you and here it is! :)

    Hello fellows,

    there are a lot of Mod and add-ons, but a few Mod are better than the others.

    The better one is in discussion! The A2WarMod puts the gameplay in a new experience.

    Big words, I know, but in my opinion, the only way to discripe this @A2WarMod!

    The A2WarMod is especially for ArmA2 and it is developed for this.

    Every player who tries to play it with OA or tie together with CO, risks under circumstances, a crash, or do not come to the pleasure, of all the inserted add-on!

    In this case contains the Mod everything what the players „heart desires“ and needed.

    I save myself of all Feature to enumerate, but some, there are topically in the forum discussion:

    The behavior of the mechanized infantry is improved (MechInfTac)

    Rocket behavior of "Myke" reworks (GLT-Missle)

    AI/KI Behavior reworks (ZeusAi Spotting)

    HUD Systems assumed (Mandoble/MMA)

    A lot of Addon of " Hein Blöd “ (Non Blinding, clutter)

    JTD " Fire and Smoke " is just found, like HARP, DynamicSounds and ASR!

    And so on...

    The chosen AddOns are all „State of the Art“ and they are working fine!

    I pointed to a new experience in gameplay, because this Mod intervenes so deeply in the "normally" behavior of the gameplay, so it is a pleasure to play all missions and campaigns once again.

    I was impressed in any case and was inspired, complemented around ArmA2, only around @A2WarMod, CBA and ACE 2 to play it again completely. So many things are changed and the author Günter Severloh, put it in the right direction! It puts the game on a new level; more realistic gameplay, creating a new atmosphäre, so you are inbedded and involved.

    The Addon CBA is necessary, but ACE2 is an optionale variation which the author of the @A2WarMod made compatible and this is still another highlight and a pleasure for all players.

    Scarcely on version 1.3 revalued and hopefully not the last time!?

    If the author is furthermore so powerful and creative, we can refresh the good, old ArmA2 for a new season, with low expenditure.

    The next topic will be a preview to the authors creation for ArmA CO!



    @Günter: Sorry for the translation, but im not an english man! Ihope ur understand what ist written?! Thx a lot for your work!! :)
