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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. Hi LordJarhead! :)

    I´m lost for words...! In my opinion this v1.4 Beta gonna be your personal signed masterpiece! Mate, you´re are the best!

    If i listen to that sound, you created once again, i can imagine that i will feel like in a real combat!

    It´s like what i have said before: I´m lost for words!

    Keep it up the/your "Sound of ArmA" ;)

    Thanks a lot for your work you did and still doing for the community during all the time! You are a person of outstanding ability!



  2. Hello nettrucker,

    today i´ve made a preview about your Sp-campaign! The result is a 10 and thumb up! :)

    It´s in german, but if you want have a look!


    It took me twelf hours, with little breaks, of hard fight to finished your 15 missions and i could repeat it instantly cause the campaign is wonderful designed and brings a lot of fun! What a campaign...my congrats to you and my deep respect!

    Thanks a lot for your effort!

    Keep up your good work!!

    Best regards


  3. Hi mate,

    i can´t explain my feelings as i heard this sound the first time!

    I´m speechless....! You´re unbeatable for real!

    The landrover suprised me, the fighing sound scares me, the A10 kicked me down and the AH64 overhelmed me!!

    Nobody can reach your work i guess!

    Keep up your outstanding work and name it soon "Jarhead´s Real Sound Design and Development" :)



  4. Hi Jarhead :),

    the Landrover has a "Diesel-Engine" and what i hear sounds like a "Diesel"!

    And the engine idle sounds very real!

    The indoor sound impressed me as well, i can hear how the suspension works...!


    Thanks for the new impressions, good job as ever!



  5. Hello Rejenorst!

    Wow, i´m really impressed by this video! If i imagine that clearing is for real, all the rooms, the long floors, hided corners etc.; puuh strange...!

    I think i get lost by this houseclearing...every second would scares me if i think of the enemy, who can shoot me at every corner...!

    Amazing story and the translation to the mission!



  6. Me once again, :)

    you´re very right, i don´t thought about the heli...;)

    And the mission must be work stable, thats a major point!!

    Including the sniper idea in a sidemission is a great idea and should solve major problems, i think!

    Great, great...if you know what you have to do...not easy to create a mission...

    Thanks for doing that for the community!!



  7. Hey Rejenorst,

    great idea to do, what you´ve planed!

    Best i think, is your advisement to set a room clearance into the mission.

    Bloody real!!

    Also the suggestion to put a hided sniper in one building who pinned down a squad is very realistic and an average in the mission, puhh...strange! :)

    But whatever you will decide...i´m glad to hear the rumors and be able soon as possible to play the released version, hehehe..!

    Thanks alot mate, you do a great job!

    Best regard


  8. Hello Rejenorst,

    there isn´t a bug in your mission, thats for sure!

    It was my mistake, cause i´ve forgotten to disable the addon VFAI and this runs me into trouble. Sorry for that!

    I played your mission 15 times and i got always a new field of experience!

    Thanks a lot for that great mission, as i said you´re one of the best!

    Best regards


  9. Hello,

    your "WOO" is the idea of the century :)

    I love it... but i´ve to learn the "tabs".

    Also a great manual thats shows "how to use" the WOO and helps a lot, also the vid you´ve made!

    I´m real glowing of this new gameplay for Arma and i have informed the community from Arma2Base about the release!

    For your eyes only... ;)


    Take my deep respect and all my credits!!

    Best regards


  10. Hello Kommiekat,

    if u have only ArmA2 u need A2WarMod, cause it´s not made for CO!

    If u own ArmA2 and OA u need only the great stuff from COWarMod.

    if u installing both you get a lot of conflicts!

    See Günther Severloh website for further information about that great mod!! ;)



  11. Hello Günter,

    all i wanna do is playing with a lot of fun, this Mod, COWarMod, set the level up to the top!! :)

    All included stuff works fine and all of your hard work to make it run is great, for sure.

    I love this mod, cause its realistic, but playable!

    I have written a preview about your COWarMod to the community of www.Arma2Base.de and the präsentation in the dailyNews on this side is a big Thanks for you! :)

    Best regards


  12. Me once again,

    I´ll give you a feedback, if I have the time to interrupt my game with COWarMod

    Here it is; it seems to work propper, without any bug. I played three missions and enjoy it very much!

    But in one Mission i got this response:


    I pressed the bottom and everything was fine, i could end the mission! ;)

    Thx again!!



  13. Hello cleggy,

    at first, it is a wonderful APC! Great work!

    I use it in my Mission as an taxi, driving from point to point for testing and never get hurt ;)

    Seriously it is an amazing AddOn for my mission, included BAF, US and the German Army. I will take it for patroling the enemy lines!

    You never get paid for ur work, but get all credits!!

    Thx a lot

    Best regards


  14. Hello Jarhead,

    me and the hole community suffers with u, i think! Im sorry for ur bad luck!

    I hope that the little donation will bring back your smile and set u in a position to continue ur outstanding projekt and will be save "Zero"!! :)

    May i say, U are a real friend of mine, thx a lot for everything and take care!

    Best regards

