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Posts posted by McLupo

  1. Have you considered getting in touch with Villas and seeing if you can port his KSKG36 into A3, it's already got the rail system, which pretty much most KSK operators are using as opposed to the vanilla types ?

    Hi road runner,


    thank you very much for that great suggestion. I hadn´t thought of that.  :)

    We´ll see.



    That was no criticism. I just wanted to help you because i see that your mod has a big Potential.


    Yeah there is no Kneepad rule.

    But every Picture after 2014 shows them with Kneepads because of that i tried to help you with that.

    For example i could find you newer reference material because your reference pictures are old (late 2000s)

    Hi Eagle,

    all is well and I know what you're thinking about.  :)

    I appreciate your help mate.


    if you need help with anything let me know if i have time i can help you out if you like too

    Hello Ice_Age,


    I am very grateful for your offered assistance and friendly support.

    I will come back to that if it´s needed.  :)



    At the moment I am working on all the small details to create the basis.

    This eats a lot of time.





    • Like 1

  2. Have you considered getting in touch with Villas and seeing if you can port his KSKG36 into A3, it's already got the rail system, which pretty much most KSK operators are using as opposed to the vanilla types ?

    Hi road runner,


    thank you very much for that great suggestion. I hadn´t thought of that.  :)

    We´ll see.



    That was no criticism. I just wanted to help you because i see that your mod has a big Potential.


    Yeah there is no Kneepad rule.

    But every Picture after 2014 shows them with Kneepads because of that i tried to help you with that.

    For example i could find you newer reference material because your reference pictures are old (late 2000s)

    Hi Eagle,

    all is well and I know what you're thinking about.  :)

    I appreciate your help mate.


    if you need help with anything let me know if i have time i can help you out if you like too

    Hello Ice_Age,


    I am very grateful for your offered assistance and friendly support.

    I will come back to that if it´s needed.  :)



    At the moment I am working on all the small details to create the basis.

    This eats a lot of time.





  3. nice work so far textures looking nice , really digging the uniform with out then knee patches  

    Hi Ice_AGE,

    me too!  :) 

    Thanks a lot for your comment.


    No don't remove the Kneepads! Adjust them so that they'll look like real Cyre G3 Pants like the KSK ist using. http://www.supremeco.com.hk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/460x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/C/P/CP_APR_CPE_02_01_18.jpg

    Hi Eagle,


    there is no rule, nor any official regulation, which says that a member of the German KSK has to wear knee pads.

    See here the counterevidence:

    germanksk.jpg kskuniform.jpg ksk-new.jpg


    Starting a project like this (or any other) you have to do alot of research, so I think I know

    the subject and particularly the requirements of the German KSK.

    But I have no intention to do a scientific treatment.

    Once again, read the first post and my statement: I do it for pleasure.  ;)


    Further, it will always be my decision and personal taste which content will be published.

    And as long no striking colours are being used for vests and helmets - everything is fine.  :)


    But..., to keep you happy, I will provide you with a KSK Squad in multicam and associated knee pads.

    I cannot afford to loose you as a fan.  :cheers:


    Thanks for your concern and the question.


    Do not take modding so seriously - Have fun!



  4. Hi Lordprimate,


    normally one notices the death of a squad member only by receiving a radio message.

    Of course one is annoyed about the fact that you have lost a man, but more about the fact that your mission is in danger, but not about the suffer and pain of the mate.
    This has now changed with the integration of the addon, because you hear him shouting and falling.


    Now I am feeling a great hollowness within.
    And as the commander I have to write a letter to the grieving family and the guy posthumously will receive a Silver Star.
    LOL  :D


    Seriously, this addon is immersive and for the future I will keeping an eye on my mates, much more than before.


    Great job, keep it up!




    • Like 1

  5. Hi,


    the G36 and XM8 are now fitted with different sights.
    An inserted Weapon Box for each weapon supports you with all the stuff you need.
    Weapons, all types of ammunition, telescopic sights, laser pointer, flashlights and so on... ,you will find in the box.
    In addition, the FHQ mod offers even more possibilities with excellent and high quality stuff.
    With the use of various optics, it´s capability with regard to accuracy can be adjusted to suit the handling
    of the chosen weapon.
    CBA, FHQ and MRT providing you easy access to all the functions you need.


    This implies the necessity of following mods:
    FHQ Accessories pack by Alwarren
    Accessory Functions by da12thMonkey Robalo and Tupolov

    CBA ArmA3 by CBA-Team


    The first post is updated with the requirements.



    c4tm2ew9.jpg z7qpmzia.jpg hopxsx3z.jpg


    • Like 2

  6. Very excited for this! By any chance, will you do Aridfleck? I can provide I high-quality sample. :)

    Hi Nightmare515,


    thank you very much for your support.  :)

    Have you read the first post? There are all camouflage listed that I will create/have created, also among others the Aridfleck (Tropen-/Wüstentarn). ;) 

    But I have the colors slightly brightened (See samples at the first post)

    That should differs my work (a little bit) from so many others with the same intention, I guess.

    In the end it´s a matter of taste, I guess.  :) 


    For example:

    Brighter colors:








    • Like 2

  7. Here is a Pic of the Plate Carrier the KSK is using for regular Combat Operations, for stuff like Recon they would use Carriers like the JPC.


    They usually only use Coyote Plate Carrier as in the Picture no matter which Camopattern they are wearing.


    The KSK uses at the moment multiple Camopattern: A:TACS AU, Multicam, Flecktarn, Pencott Greenzone (Only limited i dont think that this pattern is anything else than a testpattern). The KSK doesn't use Tropentarn and Black Uniforms anymore. Tropentarn was deemed to be potentially dangerous in enviroment like Afghanistan.

    Hi again :) ,

    thanks for the upload and helpful comment.

    I will take that into account.


    But again, keep in mind this mod was not meant to be a copy of the real KSK.

    I will take the liberty of inserting some unexpected stuff.  :P






    It took me hours to fix all donated weapons (GLauncher animation, gesture, some reload sounds) after the Nexus..., but now it works like before and as it should be.

  8. Hey McLupo,

    If you could use it i would have a few Pictures of KSK Clothing and Plate Carriers.

    I am just a average Soldier in the german Army but i bought this equipment for my deployment in A-Stan.


    Hi Eagle,

    sure, as I mentioned above - every input, ideas, suggestions and concept is the "Key to success" in my mind.  ;)

    Thanks for your offer!




    arma you gone make this stand alone or you use BW mod as base ?

    Hello Ice_Age,

    I prefer a standalone version to prevent too many dependencies I can´t control.

    But wherever it makes sense, I will use it. This applies in particular to the weapons and attachements/accessories.

    Alwarren, for example,  does a great job with his FHQ mod in this case and I have tested it out so far - it works like a charm with the G36.






    Links to the embedded pictures are broken, dunno why "Simplest Image Hosting" is down? :( 

    Will be fixed asap!!! 

    Edit: Done! All affected pictures are replaced  :) 

  9. You probably have enough reference material for these guys, but maybe you'll find something interesting in here:






    Good luck with your work.



    I just hope somebody will make proper weapons for those units:


    Hi Vitamin,

    thanks for the visual input and one can never have enough of it.  :)

    It's important for me to see a lot of different textures for reference.


    Thanks for the useful links.





    Info: Because I have to rework my MLI-Soldier mod, this WIP is queued at the moment. But beside that I am still working on it as time permits.  :) 

  10. Hi Anwender,


    please do not forget to inform Foxhound (Armaholic) about the update, because the current version 1.2 is outdated
    and there's no chance of anyone gaining access to your new version.
    The mirror provides you with an opportunity to getting much more valuable feedback.  ;)




    • Like 1

  11. We are in a testing period now... I'm pretty happy with it.


    They are definately clearing the buildings ;)




    Ill test with MCC too on latest rather than go back and test the older version. Mikey is closer to releasing this than looking at an older version. Plus this has new goodies ;)


    Hi Cosmic,

    the behaviour is not a coincidence, because I can confirm it with a lot of tests I have done for fun.



    I hid enemy soldiers in three different houses. All were found and killed by my squad, without losses.  ;)

    As I said, You all doing a great job, thats for sure.


    Keep it up.




    • Like 1

  12. Hi mikey,


    working on AI is without exaggeration as probably the most difficult work you have choosen.  ;)

    So much is for sure: I really do not envy you, because it´s a lot to realise to satisfy all demands with regard to flexibility.
    I have thoroughly tested the AISS and can say that the results are really amazing and convincing.
    Especially the Garrison/Patrol control, the results have been mind-blowing.


    Thank you so much for doing this hard work, but with your team you can do it and I believe in you!  :)




    BTW: All links are broken - First post.

    • Like 3

  13. Hi mate,

    unfortunately I must say that some other stuff is also affected by the new update, so I have to rework the mod.

    (I will replace all models this was previously neglected)  ;) 

    ArmA3 is beta and there is always something to do.
    This will take time, but it will definitely done.


    Thanks for your request and your presupposes patience.  :)




  14. Hey guys,


    thanks for the feedback, I think I know whats happening at the spawn. I'll fix it. Admittedly, I built this in VR so water and hills.... I was arrogant enough to think my code would not be destroyed by those but next thing you know... ARMA! Apparently i didnt think this through!


    @McLupo: The addon is actually only there to get the heli,that's it. It will only hover at your position, Keycat originally suggested this as a feature for C2. So if you have C2, hopefully this would be an option to request a helicopter when you don't have it in your group. Thanks for the feedback and evidence my friend, I learned something from this!


    when I said no updates or support, I did think that it's all working fine so in this case it doesn't count lol

    Hi Mad_Cheese,


    many, many thanks for your efforts and support, which was normally excluded, I appreciate that very much.  :)




  15. Has the G36 (in any versions) an animated bolt (given that the CUP-G36 really bothers me for not having one)? That alone would be a reason for me to put your mod in our modset. ;)

    On the other hand I would really be glad to have a version with HKV, but that definitely wouldn't fit the headline. :D

    Hi Belbo,



    At the moment the bolt action hand animation is not realized.

    But I´m fully determined to integrate the WEF(Weapon Eventhandler Framework) by Kerc Kasha into my mod.

    That would add the bolt animation to both sniper rifles (G22 and G82).

    We´ll see if I´m able to change the config according to the authors instructions.  ;)



    The Dual combat sighting system (HKV) version already exists.  :)





    • Like 3


    if you want a pilot to land, try telling them to disembark since theyre part of your group, if this doesn't work, you could try telling them to eject although a large explosion may follow.

    ...that´s an option, ;) 

    My bad, sometimes I´m so foolish... :banghead:


    ..., but I have massive problems to get them spawn. Dunno why.




    • Like 1

  17. Hi mad_cheese,


    thanks for sharing this work.

    But I have trouble in getting your script running.  :(


    Dialog works fine, but at the end all attemps are failed

    - badly end for the crew in the sea (5 times/little bird and Ghosthawk)

    - hoovering over my position without landing the chopper (2 times/Little bird)


    Photographic evidence:

    arma3-2015-12-04-06-59-25-92.jpg arma3-2015-12-04-06-55-29-53.jpg



