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Everything posted by McLupo

  1. Hello, thank you so much, both of you, for this great and impressiv work. I gave it a go and recorded a first visual impression on video. Thanks once again for yours exellent job. Cheers McLupo
  2. Hello Günter, thx alot for your tireless work for the community. As a support to you and also as a benefit to the german community i posted the AI-Compilation List on ArmA2Base. So you have a "place", outside from the BIF, too. :) See here: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=forumsthread&threadid=1169 Cheers McLupo
  3. Hi, at first i´ll enjoy the SP-Missions and the Campaign to the full. Enjoy all the new stuff and after that i´ll try the editor, see which mods/addons maybe compatible... :pray: Cheers
  4. Hi chris, I am pleased to see, that you have released your second template and sharing it on the BIF. Good job buddy...everything works fine. A real bulkhead against the enemies ;) Cheers McLupo
  5. Hi Haz, this template pack contains two versions a vanilla- (required only ArmACO) and an A.C.E.- version (required the ACE-Pack) Only the ACE one needs the ACE-Pack. It´s written in the first post^^ So download it and have fun...:) Cheers McLupo
  6. Hi mate, nice job that´s for sure and very useful in a mission. All works fine and without any bug so far. A piece of solid workmanship :) Keep it up, well done! Cheers McLupo
  7. Hello to all! I used the uploaded mission from tpw and it works great, but you have to make sure that you run the CBA, too. - [my_breath_func, 0.1] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; - See the last line in the script Have a look: In my opinion, as also mentioned by Baraka, it is an awesome "little extra" for creating an atmosphere. Very good job tpw, thx alot for such another great idea! Cheers McLupo
  8. Hi SaOk, very epic vid and a good "flying" cam. Awesome the hidden tanks and the unexpected attack from the wood, also the rerecorded airplane, nice to see... Good job, Sir :) Cheers
  9. McLupo

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    Hello, yeah and the "old fashion touch" of the instruments maybe - drums, guitar...? Very special sound i like it very much. At first i got notice, i saw them playing on TV "Later... with Jools Holland" on the BBC. Nice to read you´re still continue the campaign!! Thanks alot. Cheers
  10. Hello to all,:) i´m "anyone", hehe... i got it. Thanks a lot for your effort, the PBO runs great, awesome!! Very helpful for noobs like me!!:bounce3: Cheers
  11. McLupo

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    Hello, i dunno why, but this group reminds me at the beatles, in particular my favorite "Two Weeks"...? In august they start their worldtour - at Oct 30 three concerts also in Germany...Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne Niiiiice.... Cheers McLupo
  12. Hi SaOk, you´re a freak ;) Im lost for words - today the Beta and you managed it so fast to offer a new "eye following" script... Wow...a dream comes true, i guess? My hat off mate!! A tribute for your impressive work! http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=forumsthread&threadid=1160&entries=0#post9390 Cheers McLupo
  13. Hello KBourne, thanks for your great mission and as a result - a preview for your eyes only...:cool: http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=forumsthread&threadid=1156&entries=0#post9345 Thanks and keep it up your good work for the community! Cheers McLupo Thanks for such a nice interview, too. http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=forumsthread&threadid=1157&entries=0#post9347
  14. Hi KBourne, it´s me again. :) Thanks for the great improvement, because the mission is much more better than the first beta i played. The trenches are now good for a "quick capture attack", nothing where i got stuck..., it helps alot for a much better gameplay. Also the camo nets are fixed - good work, mate! The atmosphere is totally changed by the wheather conditions and the fog - a great idea - very immersive, in my opinion. The different characters i could play, are very good for the tactic. Also the weapon load out helps alot. And at least a big thank you for the "well trained" medic...;) It´s a new mission... much more fun, better gameplay and a very good mission design! Thanks alot for doing a great job. Best regards McLupo
  15. Hi Blackfox34, ...puhhh...not easy at all..., but i reached the end...:cool: Played as a vet and it took me two hours to get out from the hell ;) As i said, not easy, because the germans are everywhere, but i´m crouched and wait all the time and that´s the key...you must have the passion for this kind of mission. At least a very good mission in my opinion, thanks for that fun. Cheers McLupo
  16. Hello laggy, good job! A challenge, thats for sure and it gaves me a lot of trouble, but i did it. A little bit tricky to hold the line, but after the first wave of the attack i retrieve and it was hard for the russian tanks to cross the trenches... I´m in luck, or i´m a good commander...:), but i could stop the agressiv part slightly and so i started a short counterstrike, to get some tanks out. In that case it was the first step to win the battle. The russians are lightly weaked and after a great fight around the town, i could gave the russian troops the "kiss of death" :cool: Great mission, it was fun and a tactical challenge. Thanks and keep up your good job. Cheers McLupo
  17. Hello KBourne, ...holy moly...what a mission... I will give you a first impression, better a feedback, knowing this is beta. At first: Great job! The mission is what it is ...a very hard battle, but you can be the winner if you act like a trained soldier :) Good ambience (smoking tanks, russian patrols, the battlesound, weather) it hought i be at war and a good "ingame" feeling, thats for sure. And as you wrote it will be improved much more. What is anoying to me:The german trenches, because i stick always at the camouflage nets, there are trees in the trenches and i can´t move on...(i died, ´cause this happens;) ) but these are little things to fix, i guess?! ...and please add a medic i missed him... ;) But as a preliminary result you did a great job so far, thats for sure. I´m pleased if you will release the complete mission. Thanks alot! Cheers McLupo
  18. Hi wooeton, thanks for that mission, i will give it a go! Nice vid, well done. Cheers McLupo
  19. Hi SaOk, ...during the time i´m waiting for the new content for the mission, you can read something :) http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=forumsthread&threadid=1148&entries=0#post9298 ...as my personel gift and big thank you for your always great effort you offer to the community! Thanks alot mate! Cheers McLupo
  20. Hello, i have played the mission...as always your missions/campaigns...and it is, what i have expect too- marvelous. A challenging skill, a well thought out story and a very good ambiente. Difficult to win, but possible...:cool: Thanks a lot. Cheers McLupo
  21. Hello "Godfather of mission build" :) ...after a lot of frustration playing the v1.8, see Claymans report and i agree with him, i wouldn´t give up, because the mission is to much one of a kind:cool: And i thought by myself, if i managed the hardcore "Zero" from Clayman, i will handle your mission, too. So i gave the v1.9 a go and what a difference... sure i´m at the beginning (Task: Destroy the radiotower), but the mission starts in a better condition...The conversations are smoother, the text is much better to read, now i can sneak, no friendly troops trying to kill me:rolleyes: I know, it´s the beginning of your great mission, but i have more fun and as yet no showstopper, bug, or any frustration, like in the v1.8... To cut a long story short: Up to now it is a pleasure to play... Thanks for the update and keep up your outstanding work! Cheers McLupo
  22. @NoRailgunner: Great ideas! It would be seem very real. :rolleyes: @tpw: Thanks for the configfix, added as news to the community. Cheers McL
  23. Hello, thanks for the Info. The ArmA2Base download section will be updated with the v1.08! Thanks! Cheers McL :)
  24. Hello mate, another vid for your "Showcase"...:cool: It shows how it works at the Takistan - Map, the scanning procedure, the flickering nearby and at the distance. Recorded in the dusk, at night and at the dawn. Also the different lights are shown; the warm amber- and the cool blue light. Hope you can use it?! A personal gift for such a nice interview. Cheers McLupo
  25. Hello tpw, for your eyes only...:) http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=forumsthread&threadid=1142&entries=0#post9206 Thank you once again for doing this! Keep up your excellent work! Cheers McLupo