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Everything posted by cross888

  1. Are they going to fix this so the less armaliterate troops like myself can just simply click and place through the UI in the Editor?
  2. Name: Cross Age: 23/24 Going on 14/15. Language: English Games: Arma 2 CO all dlc Timezone: UK GMT Location: Allover the country. Mic: TS3 and Head set. Experience: Played OFP when i was a kid and joined the Arma 2 Community from VBS1/2 in 09. Played with TF86 for 2/3 years? And DAGR for 3 Months. Mostly COOP game play but some PVP aspects. Real life Experience: Tours of Afghanistan with an Infantry regiment And 7 years service. Preferred roles: Rifleman, Long Range Rifleman, Machine gunner and sigs. Looking for a UK based SF style game play preferably coop with some PVP aspects Not really looking for a squad with a rigid rank structure althou i don't mind if its for ingame ranks and responsibility but I have no intention of sitting here listening to some wallty 14 year old "Captain" :)
  3. Thought i'd up date this. Name: Cross Age: 23 Location: Manchester / London / Catterick - UK Experience: Played OFP from CWC to OFPR VBS1 - VBS2. Arma1, Arma2. XDF: A year. Razors Edge: 2 Years (Group disolved when i got back from ops) Took a gap year of a few years when arma came out cus it was dog shit. Been playing Arma 2 for 2 years with TF86 (They recently tanked) Now i'm playing part time with a new group. But I'd like to drive tanks and shit aswell so thats why i'm on here. Looking for: - British Isles based squad - Very organised & structured play, humans V AI or Humans. preferbly Coop AI. - Teamwork oriented squad with tactics & strategies - Preferbully Infantry or Armour Orientated i like the idea of being Armored infantry or doing formation recon in CVRT's - Guns I like the Jimpy and HMG and i like rallying around in either wmiks or CVRT i think its fun :) Not looking for: - Forced 1st person is a No No sends me dizzy. - Rank structures. - Milsim (I don't mind orbats and sops and all that jazz, But sitting on a server for hours staggin on or doing OP's can fuck off) - Walts. Other: I'm a rockape "RAF REGT" say what you like about the capbadge im not in to that my badge is better then yours jazz. I like to play games of arma that are fun and realistic to a degree but with out the bollocks. Idealy i'd like to join a group that has serving or ex members of her majestys armed forces. :) Thanks Cross
  4. Name: Cross Age: 23 Location: Manchester / London / Catterick - UK Experience: Played OFP from CWC to OFPR VBS1 - VBS2. Arma1, Arma2. Looking for: - British Isles based squad - Very organised & structured play, humans V AI or Humans - Not in to rank as i think its gay. - Teamwork oriented squad with tactics & strategies - clearly defined plans of attack Other: I'm a rockape "RAF REGT". Thanks Cross
  5. Well: Knee's = sown in knee pads. Torso = Body armour is quite bulky...... shoulders = Most infantry soldiers have broad shoulders due to carrying weight I Mo this due to the fact my personal weapon is the GPMG Light Role. There is constructive criticism and there's trolling. Why you trolling man? I think these units look absolutely awesome. Good effort staguls.
  6. cross888

    Lennard's WIP thread

    Light Machine Guns (FN Minmi)??? They would be an awesome addition to the UK-F Weapons pack. Jah ;)
  7. Fair one man. Speaking for soley myself on that its never really bothered me the hole lingo issue. Especialy with them spamming the radio frequencys with useless info so i just turn the radio comms right down. Cheers dude for the swift reply. And fair one i appreciate that there are bigger fish to fry. :) I know that british forces did'nt really use the sword bayonet style like the spams in ww2. But i dont think any one will really cry if you guys used that model as a "temp solution", if that makes sence? Just be cool to be able to clear out buildings with our Enfileds (Bayonet fitted), webleys, SMG's and mills bombs. I know i'm a geek. :) Keep up the great work fellas.
  8. I was wondering if you guys were going to update the British infantry. I.e. airborne troops could were there soft cover Berets Or Commando's with out there Dennison smocks? Just Battle dress with webbing and there weird hats :) And bayonets for the SMG's and Lee Enfield’s. If this has been raised before I’m sorry i don’t mean to bring it up again. But aye good effort with the mod its good fun. Would love there to be more British stuff just because, well I'm English.
  9. Is it possible to make three diffrent areas ie Triggers As a possible spawn point for one man to randomise his postion on a map For example HVT will be either in three diffrent locations (Random) Trigger 1 is a barn in village B Trigger 2 is a camp in the woods Trigger 3 is a airstrip If so if any one knows how to do it any help would be appreciated :) Thank you.
  10. would it be possible to have this script edited for I44? :)