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About Ezkaton

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    Private First Class

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  1. Is that a 7200rpm or 5400rpm drive?
  2. Looks like a LOD problem... what kind of hard drive is the game running from? Since the game streams everything from the hard drive as it needs it, a slow drive could cause things like this to happen. Stuttering, sudden slowdown... textures and hi-res models all coming in too slowly... pretty sure all this can be caused by using a slow hard drive. Anybody feel free to correct me if I am wrong. :)
  3. Ezkaton

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    Wrong. I'm using Crossfire HD7950, and I'm getting PhysX crashes every 5-20 minutes when playing online.
  4. Ezkaton

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    If you Google PhysX3_X86.dll crash you'll see people having issues with ARMA 3 (obviously), Planetside 2, and the Metro games, etc. So it's not limited to ARMA 3. I mean, I never had issues with any other games, but some people out there do... leading me to believe this is out of Bohemia's hands. I tried the -maxmem command and my crashes are unchanged... still every 5-20 minutes. :/
  5. Ezkaton

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    Dear Bohemia, Just remove PhysX from the game... clearly NVidia don't have their... "poop" together, and nobody really cares about PhysX anyway. This same crash affects numerous other games for many users and NVidia have done literally nothing to fix it. (This not being fixed yet leads me to believe it's not in Bohemia's hands, therefore ticket making and crashdumps won't help). Signed, A Bohemia fan since 2001.
  6. Ezkaton

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    Yeah, it's not entirely gone, but there's definitely a noticeable improvement over a mechanical drive.
  7. Ezkaton

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    I'm currently tabbed out, but I'm playing Annex at the moment... the only stutter I'm getting is when I get frame drops in bad areas, like the main airfield, etc. But out and about, flying around, etc. I only get stutter when going over towns... and even then it's minimal compared to my WD Black drive. Mind you, I had zero stuttering on Stratis with my mechanical drive... it's just Altis. Aaaaaand, boom, game crashed. That god damn Physx_x86.dll crash... AGAIN.
  8. Ezkaton

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    It'd be nice if these were in the options, rather than having to dick about with launch parameters. I know it's easy and all, but you know... for people who don't already know the parameters, in-game options with a small description on what it does could be useful for many. Nikiforos, unfortunately my game is still downloading and I likely won't get time to try it tonight, I will however leave this thread open on my PC as a reminder for when I get home from work tomorrow. Which will be about... 21 or so hours from now.
  9. Ezkaton

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    I was getting stuttering when spawning into an area for the first time until I did at LEAST a full 360 on the spot, and flying/driving to new areas would cause stutter as new objects popped into the scene. HDD light blinking like mad the whole time. Using a WD Black drive. I'm currently installing the game to my SSD... if I recall correctly, and if A3 is like A2, then aren't textures and objects streamed straight off the hard drive as they're needed? SSD should smooth that out for sure. I'll report back when it has finished re-downloading though.
  10. I dunno if it has been mentioned... but try the TMR mod. It has weapon resting and deployable (but invisible) bipods. The MP servers I play on allow it (thankfully), give it a shot. :)
  11. Ezkaton

    ARMA 3 Uniform Synchronization

    This also happened in 0.74 and 0.76, etc. Independent/green uniforms wouldn't show to other players almost all the time.
  12. Ezkaton

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    I'm just going to get in a Pawnee or Hummingbird and fly around with my stick + TrackIR... check out the locations from the sky, look at things like terrain variety, interesting locations, etc. Try and learn the place. By then, mission makers should have created something adapted to Altis, and I can explore it on the ground. :)
  13. Ezkaton

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Well, it's Monday for half the world... currently. What's the average time the dev branch receives updates? I haven't been running dev since 0.74!
  14. Ezkaton

    TMR Modular Realism

    Apologies if it was mentioned previously, but I'm having issues with the RPG when using this mod. I can aim somewhere with the reticule, but if I look through the scope the aim is higher than where I was looking previously. If I fire a rocket unscoped, I can see the rocket, and it goes where I'm aiming. If I fire a rocked while scoped, the rocket is invisible and fires higher than where the scope is pointing. Is there a way to temporarily just use TMR for the weapon recoil features and discard the rest? Seeing as that's the main reason I'm using it anyway... and no other recoil mods (if there are any) aren't supported on the server(s) I play on.
  15. Ezkaton

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    You'd think for the final beta patch something like this would've been sorted out... But nope, just had another PhysX crash! Edit: 6 PhysX crashes in the past hour and a half... I actually think it got worse. Another 3 in the last 30 minutes.