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About blood4odin

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. blood4odin

    Simple CountDown script

    Disregard, its the 951 secs bit in the top line, just overlooked it as its a weird number to put in. Thanks.
  2. blood4odin

    Simple CountDown script

    Guys how do I adjust the countdown timer for this script? At the moment it's set for 15 mins 50 secs. Thanks.
  3. Gday guys, Pulled apart many TDM missions to find a nice simple time and score HUD and ended findinding the perfect one in a standard Wizzard one i quickly made. However, how do i extract or duplicate it so i can use it in a custom TDM mission im making? All it is is one box in the top right corner that shows the time limit counting down and a blufor and opfor score. Appreciate your help. blood4odin.
  4. G'day Iceman77, thanks for the reply, was hoping for something a little simpler, but I will try this and see what happens. Thanks for taking time to respond.
  5. Thanks for the reply mate but I've already check that ;-)
  6. G'day guys will keep this as simple as possible. I'm using "taskHint" in triggers to show a message when a vehicle is destroyed, eg: taskHint ["ARMOUR CONVOY ALPHA DESTROYED!", [0, 1, 0, 1], "taskDone"] Works fine however every time I disconnect and rejoin the server all previous dead vehicle tasHint's show again on the screen. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  7. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    I've had a few PM's about the Chernarus 1.50 Insurgency, the project team leaders seem to be busy and or pre-occupied with other things lately which is fine as we all have a life outside of ArmA so, if anyone has any questions or needs help let me know and will try to point you in the right direction. Like I've said before, alot of things have changed between 0.76 and 1.50 so I'm not entirley familiar with it and being self taught my knowledge is certainly minimal compared to Fireball and the likes. But still more than happy to help.
  8. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    Like I said a couple of posts above mate the 0.76 runs clean for us because the transport is called in, and we get no server frame rate drop. However the 1.50 version was just a quick port to give Fireball a head start and does work but yes, it most certainly needs alot of tweaks as there has been heaps of changes since 0.76, this will happen once it goes to dev-heaven for proper testing by the Insurgency Project Group. Don't stress :-)
  9. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    Just to summarise everything. Heavily modified 0.76 vers that we use. Based on call-in Littlebirds for transport, requires ACR DLC http://www.bloodandhull.com/Insurgency X.Chernarus.rar Chernarus http://www.bloodandhull.com/Insurgency X.Woodland_ACR.rar Bystrica (Woodland_ACR) Standard 1.50 vers No changes made, quick conversion, will be added to the official dev-heaven Insurgency project list for proper testing once Fireball is ready. http://www.bloodandhull.com/insurgency1_50.Chernarus.rar Cheers.
  10. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    Yes they do turn green mate, just remember in your mission parameters that you can setup before playing the mission there is an option called "number of players required to clear a square" by default this is 2 in the 1.50 version, so 2 players need to be in the square at the same time to turn it green. This can be changed to 1. ---------- Post added at 03:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ---------- Yes mate the 2 modified 0.76 versions require the ACR DLC for the units in 1 squad and weapons in loadout.
  11. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    No worries :-)
  12. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    Your welcome mate, Fireball got back to me today and said its all good to throw up the 1.50 conversion I did so here it is http://www.bloodandhull.com/insurgency1_50.Chernarus.rar Although he is rather busy at the moment he will add it devheaven once he finds the time, but like I said it hasn't been fully tested and inspected by him so there may be a few bugs. But hey, we got a Chernarus Insurgency at last :-)
  13. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    To be honest mate I have tried this out of pure curiosity before and it does work but then again it doesnt, let me explain. 1. Yes, you can play as squads of any opfor you want 2. Yes, blufor do spawn in the buildings and engage you just like the opfor did 3. Yes and No, blufor vehicles do spawn with blufor crew, however for some reason they do retain the mindset of the opfor and turn on eachother in the vehicle spawn position like cannibals, quite funny to watch actually. So yes it can be done and it does work but havent been able to figure out point 3. But there is a shitload of stuff that needs to be changed (basically the entire mission) and to be honest it would seem a bit odd having americans spawning in enemy houses and defending their ammo cache? If you would still like to try it that way i could point you in the right direction but then it is up to you as that is something that I still havent figured out entirely mate. ---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ---------- Cheers mate, your kind words are appreciative :-) I have given Fireball a quick Insuregncy 1.50 Chernarus conversion I just did also, so if he is interested he could clean it up a bit and add it to his list for the community at devheaven. But because 1.50 is his baby, it's up to him what he wants to do with it :-) ---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ---------- Unfortunately no AI recruitment mate, shouldn't be too hard to put it in though if you feel the need.
  14. blood4odin

    Insurgency Chernarus Completed

    Your welcome mate, my pleasure. Lets just hope Fireball has a look at it and iron out any bugs that may arise, he is certainly far more competent.
  15. G'day guys, the past 18 months since getting into ArmA I fell in love with the Insurgency mission and since then I have been modifying the 0.76 version with bits and pieces and adapting them to custom Islands, however I could never get Chernarus to work until the other day. After 7 cups of coffee and near on a full pack of cigarettes and a black lung sacrifice to the ArmA Gods it finally happened. I know there has been alot of players out there that have been wanting this mission on Chernarus so I thought i better upload it so you guys can have it. It's based on call-in Littlebirds for transport so this might not suit everyone but at least it works, so of course change it however you want. I will also PM Fireball so he can work his magic and add it to his list of fantastic efforts. We played for 7 hours the other night and all 12 caches spawned in a variety of buildings all over the map and there was plenty of enemy so it works well. I am sure there will be a few bugs still but hopefully Fireball will fix these up. Just wanted to say that I understand and appreciate the amount of personal time pogoman and Fireball have sacrificed in giving this mission It's solid foundation. http://www.bloodandhull.com/Insurgency X.Chernarus.rar Ps..Would be awesome to see Insurgency as a standard mission in ArmA 3 also. ---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ---------- Almost forgot, also Bystrica, that new Czech Island http://www.bloodandhull.com/Insurgency X.Woodland_ACR.rar