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Everything posted by Varkrag

  1. You can put them down as normal. Then put down the independent invisible soldier, make him higher rank than the other group and turn his presence probability slider down to nothing. Then group the squad to the independent (They will now be independents). Open the mission parameters menu (where you change the time/weather and stuff) and make independents freindly to nobody. Now you have independent soldiers that will attack bluefor and opfor.
  2. Hi, I am looking for a trigger condition for any of the following actions (I can make any of them serve my purposes) (1) player as an independent wielding any weapon (my prefered option) (2) player as an independent firing any weapon (my secondary option) (3) player as an independent injuring any OPFOR (my last resort) My basic need is this: I want to start as a independent player, friendly to all. Then take offensive action against the OPFOR faction by obtaining weapons from a cache. Being "kill on sight[bluefor]" while carrying a weapon would serve me best, but I'll settle for not being "kill on sight[bluefor]" until I actually take offensive action. Thank you for any assistance.
  3. I'll try that out when I get home. I have a different "on act" in mind, it will trigger the modification to make me bluefor but your condition is hopefully what I was missing. I ask the following with no condecention: If you don't mind educating me, what is the "player and side player == resistance" for? Is there not a simpler script something like "player hasWeapon primaryWeapon true"? Thank you.
  4. Amazing! Thank you, will try it now. [Edit] - It's good to go, much appreciated.
  5. Is there a way to do this in a way that does unlimited reloads instead of rounds in the chamber? I want A.I. MANPADs to have unlimited reloads, not exactly a stream of missiles. Thanks for any assistance.