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About chatterbox360

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  1. chatterbox360

    Script to add a trigger?

    oh yeah, I changed it to execVM, but i still dont see any trigger, nor did it do anything :\
  2. chatterbox360

    Script to add a trigger?

    Didnt work I wanted it to be activated by civ, but spawn a vehicle. "player exec ""Scripts\vehicle.sqf""" , ""]; -Unless its not finding the script? but its not working either way.. And i do want a trigger that executes vehicles not a vehicle spawn script lol
  3. Is there a script that once executed it will add a trigger on your players position that can execute another script once it has been activated? I've had a look at this page : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?76899-Create-trigger-in-script-how-to _trig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _trig setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false]; _trig setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "present", true]; _trig setTriggerStatements ["player distance pilot11<= 20", "player exec ""PilotPopSmoke.sqs""" , ""]; Nothing happened when i executed
  4. chatterbox360

    Object Placer??

    It did but that was awhile ago, and I dont remember how I found it :\ I'll have a look around. could you suggest another way? Got it lol :) this link helped solved it :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle
  5. Im trying to add a object into the editor, and not one of those normal within Editor. I have a code that works using a game logic but it places the object next to the player when u preview the mission. -Can someone help in what code to remove to make it place and not next to the player? I had a bit of a fidget around and couldn't get it to work. :\ CODE : private["_spawn", "_dir", "_pos", "_xos", "_yos", "_zos", "_rid", "_svr"]; _spawn = "ObjectName"; _dir = getdir vehicle player; _pos = getPos vehicle player; _pos = [(_pos select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)-0*cos(_dir),0]; // 10 meters behind _xos = _pos select 0; _yos = _pos select 1; _zos = _pos select 2; _rid = 999+random(9999); _svr = format[" if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['%1', [%2, %3, %4], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', %5, true]; _object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true]; _object setVariable ['OwnerID', 0, true]; }", _spawn, _xos, _yos, _zos, _rid]; sleep 0.1; player setVehicleInit _svr; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;
  6. chatterbox360

    Image Intro??

    Thank you it worked :)
  7. chatterbox360

    Image Intro??

    yeah feeling the dumb founded sorry... lol
  8. chatterbox360

    Image Intro??

    Thank A-SUICIDAL But where would I put these lines? in my description.ext or ?
  9. chatterbox360

    Image Intro??

    Thanks :) with your help i managed to add a triggerable image, but it doesn't fit the screen? is there a way to change the size to fit the screen? I tried making the image larger but nothing happened? what should I do? -Im using a trigger to show the image but I used your description.ext and code to call the image. ---------- Post added at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 AM ---------- P.S - is it possible to add like a movie clip? a short film? I've googled abit but have not seen anything yet, and if possible any links or if you know how to can you explain to me how to do it?
  10. I have looked at many tutorials on how to add a images to Arma 2 Editor, I couldnt get any to work, most likely cause I didnt understand their way of explaining it. But I want to add images, that are shown when triggered, using Triggers? Please help ?
  11. I want to add a loop script to my init.sqf where after a interval of 5 minutes (300 seconds) My server mission will automatically save and a timer script to my init.sqf that will count down from 3600 seconds (1 Hour) and when it reachs 0 it will then execute a script which ends my mission Please help?? this is my save script that saves the mission: saveGame; this is my script that ends the mission: endMission "END1" I also have a anti-hacking script for my server but I dont know how to work it ? if any one can assist please! here it is : // some generic hack detector // by Darky _whiteList = [""]; _hackdetect = false; _whiteUser = false; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _whiteList) - 1) do { _curUID = (_whiteList select _i); if (getPlayerUID player == _curUID) then { _whiteUser = true; }; }; if !(_whiteUser) then { //Global Variable Scanner _glHackVars = ["frezok", "tHight"]; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _glHackVars) - 1) do { _curVarName = (_glHackVars select _i); if !(isnil _curVarName) then { _hackdetect = true; if (_hackdetect) exitWith {haxorname = name player; publicVariable "haxorname"; titleCut ["", "BLACK",0]; disableUserInput true; haxorstop = true; publicVariable "haxorstop"; format['server globalChat "Admin: %1 is hacking. Ban this player now.";', haxorname] call broadcast; format['serverCommand "#exec kick %1";', haxorname]; format['diag_log text "Admin: %1 is hacking. Ban this player now.";', haxorname]; player setpos (getpos CopPrison); player groupchat "We dont like you!"; sleep 3; while { true } do {{ _x setDamage 0;} foreach (nearestobjects [getpos player, [], 25000]);}; }; }; }; //Class Scanner _glClassesNames = ["carpetbomb_menu","playerhijack_menu","zargabad_menu","joker_menu","endgame_menu", "AlexAdmin_menu","Alexander_menu","ChernoRape_menu","MightyGerk_menu","SpawnSoldier_menu", "AtackPlanes","GrkTeleport","crpbmb_menu","Delete_menu","Verbal_menu","playerhijack_menu"]; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _glClassesNames) - 1) do { _curClassName = (_glClassesNames select _i); if (isClass (configFile >> _curClassName)) then { _hackdetect = true; if (_hackdetect) exitWith { haxorname = name player; publicVariable "haxorname"; titleCut ["", "BLACK",0]; disableUserInput true; haxorstop = true; publicVariable "haxorstop"; format['server globalChat "Admin: %1 is hacking. Ban this player now.";', haxorname] call broadcast; format['diag_log text "Admin: %1 is hacking. Ban this player now.";', haxorname]; format['server globalChat "Admin: %1 has been disabled. This player is no longer a problem.";', haxorname] call broadcast; format['serverCommand "#exec kick %1";', haxorname]; player setpos (getpos CopPrison); player groupchat "We dont like you!"; sleep 3; while { true } do {{ _x setDamage 0;} foreach (nearestobjects [getpos player, [], 25000]);}; }; }; }; _objConf = configFile >> "CfgPatches"; _confCount = count _objConf; if ((_confCount == 467) || (_confCount == 366)) then { } else { _hackdetect = false; }; if (_hackdetect) then { haxorname = name player; publicVariable "haxorname"; titleCut ["", "BLACK",0]; disableUserInput true; haxorstop = true; publicVariable "haxorstop"; format['server globalChat "Admin: %1 is hacking.";', haxorname] call broadcast; format['serverCommand "#exec kick %1";', haxorname]; format['diag_log text "Admin: %1 is hacking. Ban this player now.";', haxorname]; player setpos (getpos CopPrison); player groupchat "We dont like you!"; sleep 3; while { true } do {{ _x setDamage 0;} foreach (nearestobjects [getpos player, [], 25000]);}; }; }; haxorstop = false; publicVariable "haxorstop";
  12. chatterbox360

    Chenarus Life RP-MOD Beta Test

    For the server with the PRG mode, My name is KilE on when i play and i have been banned for a reason i dont know because i wasnt there at the time, could you unban me. thnks from KilE