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Everything posted by Ven

  1. How to increase the number of concurrent missions of up to two? Or at least choose a location for certain missions?
  2. How to make it run several mains, for example, one large and the principal, plus a few smaller ones, with the secondary main target and radiotower is at large? Sorry for Google transate again.
  3. How do I add ied (improvised explosive device) in domination so that there are as randomly appearing on the roads and along them, and a suicide bombers. I use domination with ACE. Examples: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13216 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12180 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12191 P.S. Sorry for google translate. And another one question: how to delete main target marker, or change fill of circle (in x_setupplayer.sqf , line 392)? And another: how to increase the number of guards near main-target radio tower?
  4. How to activate ACE fastropes on helicopters in domi? Rope menu is gray and non active. (v2.54). upd: Question solved. Problems of the Russian localization of ACE. It was necessary to put the appropriate module on the map.