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Everything posted by CitizenSoldier

  1. CitizenSoldier

    Help building rig $1200 budget

    Hey everyone, Im sure this is one of those annoying posts but I recently joined the US Army and whilst in training a lot of new hardware has come out and I wasnt able to keep up with it. I currently dont have a rig because Im leaving home to my unit and I am leaving my old one for my parents. My budget is $1200. I would really appreciate the help in building the best bang for my buck desktop. Is 1200 a low budget? Would it be a low to mid or mid to high gaming rig? Sorry if this is to much to ask for any help would be appreciated.
  2. Hey everyone, Im sure this is one of those annoying posts but I recently joined the US Army and whilst in training a lot of new hardware has come out and I wasnt able to keep up with it. I currently dont have a rig because Im leaving home to my unit and I am leaving my old one for my parents. My budget is $1200. I would really appreciate the help in building the best bang for my buck desktop. Is 1200 a low budget? Would it be a low to mid or mid to high gaming rig? Sorry if this is to much to ask for any help would be appreciated.
  3. CitizenSoldier

    Help building rig $1200

    Hey guys. I hate to be one of those guys who does this but I need help building a gaming rig. I've been in training these past 14 weeks in the Army and lost track of all this new hardware so Im a bit confused as to what i need and what i want in my rig. My budget is $1200 which im hoping can get me a decent rig. Im still in my last few days of Infantry training before I graduate so I dont really have time to research and read all about this new stuff so i figured I could use your guys knowledge. Its mainly gonna be a gaming rig so I dont really need much extra crap nothing fancy or colorfull with windows and lights thats gonna cost me extra. Thanks very much I'd appreciate any help.
  4. You could easily get an adapter online for super cheap, besides he's helping you out I wouldnt add an adapter on to it lol
  5. Hi, I am looking or just wondering if there are any clans that are like actual military members that make up the community. Im not trying to be all stingy and feel special but when I was younger and played a lot of Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2 and they had a couple clans that were military members only. And now that Im actually in the Army Infantry I wanted to play with them. Just curious if there were any that existed, thanks.
  6. Hi Im pretty new to this editing thing. I started playing around with the scenario maker wizard or whatever and when I go to edit unit waypoints, like make them guard or move to or search and destroy i cant save it. it wont let me get out. The only way i can get out of the waypoint menu is to hit escape button but that seems to reset it and not set it to the options i chose. I tried pressing every button to get out of it but esc is the only one that seems to work but it just reverts the waypoint to MOVE. Also is sentry the same thing as patrol? I want to put the units on patrol but its not on the list.