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Everything posted by Blento

  1. Blento

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Here is link from world of tanks, where only one core can stress GPU to 100 % during whole game, even at start, when nothing is happening. And FPS is 65... This is clearly that Q6600 is not a bottleneck to 4890 ...Specially in this game, when CPU is around 50 %.... It's clear that 50 % I7 will be much better than 50% Q6600, but whyy both CPU-s are around 50 %, and why there is no siginificant improvemnt from Q6600 to I7 with new GPU? http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1957/shot028u.jpg (250 kB) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. Blento

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I can prove youre wrong. I can send you print screen when i get home, from WOT game, where CPU is 80-90 on one core, others are less than 50%, and GPU is constantly 98-99,9% Seem to me that GPU is botleneck in my case. ---------- Post added at 11:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ---------- Only on ARMA 2 and 3 ...other games still runs over 30-40 FPS..
  3. Blento

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I have Q6600 OC to 3,4 Ghz ATI 4890 DDR3 8 GB and I have 13-21 FPS or lower in battle, when nothing is goin on I coudl have 40-50 FPS Set up are standard and low. Shadow dissabled, no AA, no AF, no shadows...etc.. CPU never 100 % used, or GPU. In this particular case I have core 1 - 85% core 2 - 76 core 3 75 core 4 84 GPU - ONLY 39-50 % !!?!?! http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6602/armaiii.jpg (220 kB) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. Here I have same problem...Bought game over Steam..latest patch....same problem.... I have Windows 7 64bit..