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About zeufman

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. It is not avalaible in the game menu, you should be in game
  2. Hi In past version for Arma2, we have a sth menu with alt+H, and it would be possible to deactivate the name in the hud, or choose more parameters to the hud display ( compass or not, names or not, color ). It was a good option. Anyway to find these options in this addons updated for Arma3 ? Have the hud and the compass is very useful in MP mission thxs ;-)
  3. zeufman

    no button for launch the campaign

    oups !!! it should to know that ! thanks
  4. hello, I haven't any button to launch the new campaign form the menu I have the campaign, but unable to launch because there's no button to play or launch Is i missed something ??
  5. Correct I've done a mission like that on the alpha, but the blufor couldn't take opfor uniform ( Geneve Convention, BIS has blocked this option ) So i have should script a trigger with this : condition : this ( blufor activate ) and dissimulation ( dissimulation = a trigger where the opfor sentinel was shot, simulate that we can take uniform) in activate : j1 setcaptive true; j1 adduniform "U_OI_CombatUniform_ocamo"; j2 setcaptive true; j2 adduniform "U_OI_CombatUniform_ocamo"; etc etc You should may be remove the blufor uniform before. And you can inverse the uniform and the setcaptive = false, when you want the blufor will become blufor unit It works fine with the opfor unit ;-), you are really see as an opfor unit
  6. Here the answer http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164878-Briefing-Screen&highlight=overview
  7. mission folder are pack with CPBO ( as usual for Arma2), et we play on dedicated server With overview picture and loading screen on the same picture, i got no error in the menu ( ex : xxx.jpg picture not found ) with overview at the MP screen on dedi server, but picture isn't visible. Overview visible otherwise
  8. I think overview picture and loading screen must be the same No errors in the menu, but the overview picture is no visible in MP ( yes in SP ), and the loading screen yes for MP and SP
  9. Works ! with we can see the ammo fall at the man position thanks
  10. I couldn't run it, nothing happen but the command line was where man1 was a civilian unit What is your _px1 and _py1 position ?
  11. Sure, and recently ( A2OA and Arma3 ), i use dynamic task, as Kylania explain here ( thanks for this ! :notworthy: ) http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=65 It is more fun for coop a mix of task with briefing.sqf, module task, and scripting trigger Just the taskhint doesn't exist in Arma3, and is replacing by BIS fn notification https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_showNotification
  12. Or you can use variable in the editor With on act field of trigger1, set example = true, so when it will be activated, it will send example1 = true Then in the second trigger, trigger2, set in act field example2, and set in condition example1, so it will be activated when trigger1 would activated. So in another trigger, you can set 3 condition or more : example and example2 and whatyouwant and .....
  13. May be here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151983-Spawning-enemy-units/page2&highlight=cfgGroups
  14. All ammo don't work with this command createvehicle Try these one "M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG" "M_Mo_120mm_AT_LG" "Bo_Mk82" "Bo_GBU12_LGB" "R_60mm_HE"
  15. ha ha you're right, i didn't know about that. Thanks I always done with maj + preview in the editor in past Arma2 OA