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Everything posted by ragerh

  1. Agreed, the fact that you need extra mods to access more buildings in the editor is already really bad and to mess with class names after final?!? Is Bis being serious? Are they retarded? One step forward and 5 steps back.
  2. Very good read with good points. Thank you. I think they said in a organized, clear and nice way, things that allot of us are concerned about. Where do i sign?
  3. Im not sure if im posting this in the right forum, if not, please feel free to move it, to avoid any complications or, "this is posted in the wrong area" messages. Like many people i was excited about the "final" release. Hoping for a stable platform. Not too worried about the content, as mods would probably replace the faked named futuristic crap we got shoved down our throats. and like many people I was very disappointed. read on, bugs to follow... I tried using the supply and transport modules. The way you have to sync the module to every player that can use it is insufficient and time consuming. I would suggest having a trigger and selecting everyone in the list. The supply module then goes and throws down multiple crates?? and the transport modules AI either doesn't land, or throws you out. In my opinion. That means it doesn't work. It doesn't full fill the task it set out to do. If this is still under "construction", how can you call it "final". I cant believe that a dev, sat and watched the modules through a couple of runs and thought: "Hmmm this works awesome". Then the AI. There is absolutely no improvement on AI. Haven't anyone at BIS sat down and just watched them? They walk through buildings/doors/railing/anything. Without editing their settings, they are terminators, that will snipe you with a pistol over a few K's and rpg you from even further, whilst moving almost at 100km/h. I have a saying that if you want arma AI to do something, your going to have a bad day. Having AI follow way-points or making them do simple tasks is daunting to say the least. Even simple convoys, or having them drive on the road can be impossible. Thats not even speaking about Flying. If you want anything believable from the AI, you need to use tons of scripts, which also don't always work. Watch a AI trying to climb up the stairs of a oil container. you'll laugh, you'll cry, either way its pathetic. Now again, if this is under "construction", How can you call it final?? Altis... Chernarus inspired me to make cold war style missions. Takistan inspires me to make Iraq war style missions. Altis... inspires me to make racing tracks. If you want to make millions, become a fence repair guy in Altis. Why do they put destroyed cars in the parking lot of the airport, why do most buildings look broken. Cant it be left to the mission maker to decide whether a place needs to be dilapidated or not? The map feels like a lazy attempt, to make a map, which is too big for anything practical in arma. Considering the huge amount of resources AI take. you cant even have a big fight in one town with enough AI without things starting to lagg. Never mind then trying to populate the map with civilians buildings and vehicles. Now you are left with having to travel vast distances, to get to the same missions, you could have far more easily have done on any other map. 200sq/km of ocean was it? to do what on. "final" release left as with a few patrol boats and rubber ducks. The map feels like BIS is trying to baffle us with BS rather than impress us with quality. Nothing changed on the flying either. Armas flight model is of flying saucers, where lift = thrust. If you want to do effective runs in jets, your going to need a powerful pc, so that you'll still have decent frames to see and shoot things. Im not even going into the uselessness of the Buzzard. So no change there on the new Arma 3 "final release". The editor is still horrible to work with. Why cant you select a whole lot of units and edit them on one screen. Try making 50 players, playable, special none etc. It takes hours. So nothing changed there either. Still pretty much arma 2. Would have been nice to have that 3d editor BIS spoke about. Where creating places doesn't take hours of setting (setpos this select 2) + 1]. preview, rinse repeat. Why do units need to be fixed in factions. What if i wanted a few rogue blufor. Then it takes scripting and editing etc, which causes lots of issues later on. the scroll menu system... still? we have nothing better? So i can go on about a whole lot of other things, but the main thing i want to ask is : How can you justify, people paying money for this. I know there might be a couple that will say : " I dont have to play this", but like them, i was told arma will have this and that and as a old arma fan, i was excited and paid money for the product they will release. BIS is bs-ing people now, in broad daylight and taking advantage of their loyal fan-base. The people that stuck through from OPF days arma 1to 3. So arma has better gfx now. Its like icing over a really bad tasting cake. So now we will have DLC to fix problems and add things BIS didn't get time for?
  4. ragerh

    Over all bad quality

    That is true, but its a simple fix that would save allot of time and sometimes even the little generic scripts need editing lol. If you merge maps, you must still set the characters playable or player tho. But your idea is good! I dont always have time to plan missions and allot of the times they differ allot from the previous. Actually if you need to do so much little preppy bs for simple things, then its a good indication, the editor sucks and its yet just another thing BIS didn't improve on. And on the DAC thing. We all know we need it. I'm sure bis also knows, So, do they expect 3rd parties to fix their crap?? You do it properly the first time and don't leave it for the community to fix. Think they will pay us back? We shouldn't start paying for 3rd party content, BIS should. "Dude, I am really beginning to think that Bohemia Interactive is actually waiting for players - THE PLAYERS - to do their job for them!" <-- got that from another topic Everyone is disappointed with the Buzzard and raving about the F18 mod. Now that's a good example. Please don't even try and tell me me the buzzard is better. The person that released the F18 mod is a godsend, adding a much needed fixed wing where Bis failed! The Buzzard is a good example of, leaving bis to do something for themselves: Its underpowered. slow. Little armament, so useless. looks small and crappy. fail another happy customer sorry for the colorful language : "Arma 3 = fail. They got our money and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ e d us all in the b♥m hole while we were sleeping. I want a refund you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ e r s, you don't deserve my money and the game aint worth what i paid for it. Wasteland mod is okay, at least it's actually playable. Bohemia is a joke." Ive been on the editor and playing a mission or 2 tonight and i have a few things to add to my "Over all bad quality" report. Exactly the reason why I hate caching happened. Sniping from 1 town to the next, Or at least trying to. O no, you cant. Why... the AI isn't spawned ( and im a horrible sniper) We shouldn't need caching if BIS does a proper job. Again also the AI... the Terminator idiots. They are as stupid as dirt. But can snipe you at 1000's of kilos, While Im lying behind a rock wall. An AI unit managed to run across a street and hit me with the first shot. Luck... No this happens way to often and not only with me. Its horrible, you need tons of scripts to make them anything worth it. BIS relying on 3rd parties again. Then the 3d scopes. Why are they so dirty. I have a couple of scopes and they are all clear as air. How about I'm a soldier in Arma that keeps my optics in good shape. Its stupid. Looks crap and doesn't add anything. Then also, firing on people at a distance is impossible. They disappear underground?? WASP ( the Iranians ) are mysterious mole people. Who anticipate your distance then starts burrowing. Now again, look at GTA V release. It wasn't released with little or no content and the little amount of bugs it has will probably be fixed in a blink of an eye. Same goes for total war rome 2. Was very buggy, but you can see the company is at least trying to keep their customers happy. already 2 patches with a crap load of fixes. Why should Bohemia quality any different. They aren't special. And we are still paying for a product. Whats also sad is none of these posts are getting through to Bohemia. A moderate passed over here. Didn't bother to add anything, just warning-ed off someone, in good BIS MOD fashion. Infractions!!!! The devs probably couldn't care less, As i said before, Bohemia is taking advantage of their customers. I think there should be a mass petition for everyone to get their money back. 59.99 its a travesty of justice. heres a good read http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/864979008766920042/#p2
  5. ragerh

    Over all bad quality

    Yeah i understand that you must use DAC or some form of caching. I don't really like it, but sadly for now its the only way. The MSO guys did some great work. Will need it for the behemoth which is Altis.
  6. ragerh

    Over all bad quality

    Id like to get my hands on that too. As well as some better tools for everything else. Not sure when they release that.I mite have been harsh and i totally agree that the editor isn't the same. Lots of little fixes, some which are nice. I wouldn't use a bigger word than that tho. Doesn't it make sence to fix the small, much used functions first. Like editing more than one character. Why are things still automatically grouped when placed, try and edit 50 characters, make them playable, special none. and put a line of text in their init. Then later remove that line again. It takes ages and that's not even making the actual mission and its really sad that the modules are still so buggy. I would still like that mission i spoke about, i wasn't being funny. I truly would like to see it
  7. ragerh

    Over all bad quality

    Ive also discovered that the vehicle re-spawn module doesn't work on air. (but afaik the fix is on its way, sad they call it "final" with so many bugs) The civilian clones mite as well have been left out. Also, Look at Altis, Look at the civilians. Then try and justify their vehicles. A very flashy SUV, Hatchbacks that do 320km/h. a quad bike and some mini's they call "trucks". With a few flashy color variants. Is there a DEV that can possibly send me a mission they made, or someone made. With a fully occupied Altis. Enemy ( in the fobs and bases), civilians (in the towns), boats (in the harbors and around the coast) ,cars (In cities and driving around towns and between towns) ,animals ( roaming around in their natural environment). Only catch is, It must be able to run smooth on normal servers. Please send it to me. Either through email or something please. I would really appreciate it. I would help to make it aswell
  8. froggyluv obviously missed it completely. Rather be part of the discussion and add valid points. I agree with bulletoothdan. The more time i spend in the editor. The more ridiculous it gets. Also just spent time trying to make Altis feel "lived in". Its kinda hard when all the civilians are clones and there's no women. Really! the default African civilian fugitive and beggar, looks almost exactly like the commoner and surfer. luckily they all can have very flashy SUV's and hatchbacks that can do 320km/h. lol. But honestly.
  9. O no, im def not expecting that. Id just like to not pay for things that should have been in the game in the "final release". That's like paying twice for the same product and that would mean they are taking advantage of us and not giving a crap anymore. Just releasing any old bs and we must be happy. There should still be some standard of quality. But anyways this isnt my issue to start with. I just agree with most everything the original poster said.
  10. Lets see how long it stays free lol
  11. This post is very very true. Now the devs are making excuses why its so bad lol We are spoiled? how about, no! Your a company, making a product, we pay for. You don't spoil us. Believe me you don't. We are spoiling you buying this unfinished spaghetti code crap. Also if a client is unhappy about your product, i wouldn't go saying to people that it is "butthurt". What this guy said is 100% true and if you deny it, you obviously haven't played the game or know anything about the game. "Remember, A3 is NOT "content complete". There IS more to come." A3 is NOT complete!! we will probably get milked for dlc to add content that should be there in the first place, or maby just a 100% working "final" release what this guy did is not picking holes in content, its stating facts. I suggest using it to better the game.
  12. Completely Extensible & Moddable: Design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor. "intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor." thats the word your going for. Its bad. nothing of value has changed since Arma 1. Its a time consuming and bad editor. How about an option to select and edit more than one object at a time?? The majority of the buildings on Altis and Stratis are enterable and can be destroyed. I wouldnt boast about that. Its arma 3, We would have expected all buildings to be entarable by now. Which they arent. Improved MP interface How is it improved? Hands now move with the steering wheel. Again, wouldnt go on about it. Would expect it by default. Fact that it wasnt like that is rather bad. Improved UAV's which sometime explode when you try and use them. Always good to have that on "final" releases. Working mirrors and MFD's depending on system specs lol
  13. ragerh

    MBG Killhouses (Arma3)

    Hi Very nice buildings, however im not sure if your aware that AI just walk through the wall. Just wanted to know if its something your going to fix?
  14. Hey Foxhound you should stop ranting. It was just a honest question. But your answer has really enlightened me thanks, I didn't know it was still in progress and its going to be finished when its finished.
  15. When it does finally come out your server is going to start running the best it ever has and then you will chant how great BIS is.?? I seriously doubt that. So is it possible to get an update on the progress and how its going with the making of 1.62 linux server? Will we have it before the end of this week?
  16. Your the ones being unhelpful. The attitude you have!! A customer that loyally plays your game asks about something and this is what you guys have to say. No Wine is not a solution. Not only do we have to sit up with the 1000's of errors and bugs of Arma but when we complain we get attitude from you! don't even reply just do your job.
  17. yep, i just did it that way, because after having problems with arma for so long, i did it the safe way
  18. Hi, I had the same issues and after reinstalling everything into the same folder (eg. All your amra2 and arma2OA files must be under you bohemia folder) it worked. Make sure to install with your firewall disabled and with "run as admin" First install Arma2, Then Arma2OA (Into same folder) then Patch 1.54, Then install BAF. THen patch 1.55 and 1,56. Then install PMC and 1.57. Hope it works for you