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About Modinthalis

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  1. So I am trying to make a simple air support type script, which is activated by radio. Upon activation, a C-130J will fly to the area, activate a trigger, and spawn a bomb. The problem is that I can't get the trigger to do anything apart from give hints. It doesn't spawn objects, move objects, run scripts, or anything useful. So how can I make the trigger spawn a bomb? NOTE: I know that for cursorTarget to work Player must knowsAbout what he is pointing to. Code: _targetpos = getpos cursorTarget; C130J2 flyinHeight 120; C130J2 doMove _targetpos; _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _targetpos]; _trigger setTriggerArea [15, 15, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'Missile Inbound'; _cpos = getpos C130J2; sleep 0.3; _b1 = 'BO_GBU12_LGB' createvehicle _cpos;", ""];
  2. Modinthalis

    Scripts not working

    I have had some limited success with the artillery module, but it is ridiculously unreliable. I could use it for some triggered events and stuff, I guess, but it is pretty useless as real artillery. Thanks for all the replies :D
  3. Modinthalis

    Scripts not working

    Thanks, the -showScriptErrors option is a great tool. I still can't get my artillery working though, no matter what I do. I do not get any errors when attempting to call the artillery. This is what my artie.sqf looks like now: _targetPos = getPosATL IED2; _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]; [battery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;
  4. Modinthalis

    Scripts not working

    They use _nil .Also, I got it to work with _nil. I just had to replace these two lines _bomb = "BO_GBU12_LGB" _explosion = _bomb createVehicle position IED; with: _explosion = "BO_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle position IED: I can't get the artie script to work with nul.
  5. Inspired by I created a pretty much identical mission.I set up a trigger, which activates upon a vehicle presence, then uses the command: _nil = [] execVM "tyre.sqf" my tyre.sqf is in my mission folder, and it looks like this: _bomb = "BO_GBU12_LGB" _explosion = _bomb createVehicle position IED; IED is the name of a heap of tyres. But nothing happens. I also tried to trigger it with radio alpha, but again nothing happens. Another problem is the artillery module. I have not once got it to work. I set up my artillery, for example 3x M119. I make 2 of them subordinate to the lead gun. I group the artillery to the artillery module. I create a trigger, activated by radio bravo, which runs my artie.sqf in my mission folder: _nil = [] execVM "artie.sqf" Here is an example of my artie.sqf _targetPos = getPosASL _targetUnit; _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]; [_battery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; I can get artillery support with SOM, but that isn't what I am aiming for. Can anyone shed any light on this?
  6. Modinthalis

    Can't get any scripts to work

    I changed all relevant .sqm to .sqf, but it still doesn't work. I wonder why... Sorry about posting in the wrong forum, I don't know how that happened... searched in the right forums for my own thread before realizing my mistake :P
  7. Inspired by I created a pretty much identical mission.I set up a trigger, which activates upon a vehicle presence, then uses the command: _nil = [] execVM "tyre.sqm" my tyre.sqm is in my mission folder, and it looks like this: _bomb = "BO_GBU12_LGB" _explosion = _bomb createVehicle position IED; IED is the name of a heap of tyres. But nothing happens. I also tried to trigger it with radio alpha, but again nothing happens. Another problem is the artillery module. I have not once got it to work. I set up my artillery, for example 3x M119. I make 2 of them subordinate to the lead gun. I group the artillery to the artillery module. I create a trigger, activated by radio bravo, which runs my artie.sqm in my mission folder: _nil = [] execVM "artie.sqm" Here is an example of my artie.sqm _targetPos = getPosASL _targetUnit; _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]; [_battery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; I can get artillery support with SOM, but that isn't what I am aiming for. Can anyone shed any light on this?