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About JimboGizm

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  1. JimboGizm

    Citylife 2 Released

    I don't plan on breaking any rules, honestly. I've read through everything and it seems easy enough to follow them. However, I think it's a bit overkill for an admin to tell someone to **** off. Personal opinion. Although, to be fair, it seems like the person reporting the problem with the admin is 15 and is trying to say he's 20. Either way, I believe it's unnecessary to treat people that way. I understand that everything is yours and you can do with it as you please. I'm not question whether you can do and say what you want, I'm questioning whether it's necessary to talk to people like that. Just saying.
  2. JimboGizm

    Citylife 2 Released

    Okay. I was looking around for some info about this. I just finished downloading the mod (it actually took a couple days - DL speed was sloooow) and everything CityLife2 was down. I'm really anxious to play, TBH. I do, however, have an issue with the previous page of posts. Is an admin PMing a member and telling them to **** off a commonly occurring problem? I hope not. And Armaholic admins - their forums are down at the moment, otherwise I would have posted there. Sorry for creating more clutter here, but there's no other way to come into contact with anyone over at CL2.