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About Dyram

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  1. Dyram

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    I've been running a GITS Evo server (Chernarus and Sahrani) for a little while now through the last few versions. I was happy to see the new v31 version of Chernarus and the changes it brought, but the mission refuses to load. The server is running the CBA mod, but that's not the issue. A check of the RPT log showed this: The server, and all of the players, run vanilla ArmA2 (v1.08), and none of the previous GITS Evo missions have had this issue before. Seeing the "BAF" in there a few times, I imagine this is indeed tied to OA and/or DLC. Is there any way we could get this running without spending money? As this mission is being touted as the "modless" version, I should hope that that would mean continued compatibility with vanilla ArmA2. P.S. I did check the mod list to see if any of these were on there, and my scanning was inconclusive, but I don't believe they are. EDIT: I see the last version, v30, is part of the OA pack. Is GITS Evo for standard ArmA2 just going to be left at v29, then? Because all of the changes since fix the only annoyances my group has with v29... Would be nice if you could roll those changes back into the standard ArmA2 mission as well.