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Everything posted by thamos33

  1. my buddy is having a problem getting his acre working. i have him setup exactly as i do, ive been working at this for about 3 hours now. im wondering if there is any knows bugs, or steps i must take to have it work. he isnt amazing at doing this, so im lending him a helping hand. Thanks to who ever helps.
  2. i forgot how to have a message pop up when a set area is clear of opfor enemys, i want a message to pop up when its clear of all opfor units. and for another message to pop up when i enter a location. if someone can help me out id really appreciate it. thanks..
  3. thamos33

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    is there a way to make it so the units can use the ace backpacks, or can some use them and some cant
  4. could u post the area i could find this im not to familiar with this kind of work, so if u can give me what the zone looks like where i should change the file, }; } forEach _allfacs; }; //hint str _facs; // if single faction if(typeName _fac == "STRING") then { _facs = [_fac]; _fac = nil; }; // if multiple factions if(typeName _fac == "ARRAY") then { _facs = _fac; _fac = nil; }; if(isNil "_fac" && !isNil "_side") then { _s = switch(_side) do { case resistance: {"Guerrila";}; case civilian: {"Civilian";}; default {str _side;}; is it somthing with that? ---------- Post added at 02:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 AM ---------- nvm i figured it out, i didnt understand how to do this it took me a couple minutes to understand how to edit this
  5. is there a way to specify what type of unit, such as insergents or russians??
  6. i downloaded this mod i like it, i run it with ace and the fact that the m4a1 has the animation that theres a foregrip but there isnt i love it, the mod is great and i hope to see some further developments with it.iwould like the use of many more weapons in this mod, and is used with ace, i would love that.