In Arma2 when an aircraft is hit it tends to just blow up. I feel that it would add to the game play if
instead of just being destroyed an aircraft could be severely damaged giving the pilot the option to
bale out or try to nurse the plane back to base (or at least back to friendly territory before bailing).
I think this would add to the gameplay and be rather exciting. I have long thought that Arma2 is the finest
helecopter sim made due to the scenery and also that Arma2 surpasses every flight sim ever made in one vital area.
In the traditional flight sim the game is over when you bale from your aircraft, in Arma2 its just a prelude
to another set of adventures. Avoiding capture or death, awaiting rescue and trying to get back to your base
can be a fun rewarding experience in its own right.
The way im thinking is this. Instead of the damage points overwhealming the aircraft could not some sort of
script be used in a vehicles init to set the damage to say 20% above destroyed with perhaps a random
probability timed countdown to totally destroyed so that it may blow up at any moment ?
Any further hits would have to destroy the plane. So im asking any of you scripters out there is this
feasable ?
I know this is just my personal "wish list" for the aircraft in Arma2 so while im on the subject i will
share some other "wishes".
It seems strange that after years of flying in Arma and Arma2 you still have no way of aiming
a "dumb" bomb. The Mando missile addon gives you a ccip bombsite piper and this is all that is needed.
Why oh why are the cannons selected on the menu ? I dont mind selecting other weapons on a menu but scrolling thru your
weapons trying to select cannons in a dogfight when you get a fleeting glimps of the enemy jet is so
unintuitive and very frustrating. Again in mando this is posible but mando is a huge major game changing addon.
The cannons should be on your joystick button and available always. Other weapons should be fired with another button.
Why does the radar lock up ground targets with AA weapons selected and airtargets with ground weapons selected
with your radar in "air mode"? Only airtargets should be lockable, and with the radar in ground mode
only ground targets should be lockable, oh and why while im on this subject are some ground targets unlockable
for example the ZSU A/A gun.
These are I guess all minor quibbles but sometimes i get the feeling the developers and modders
are so in love with there 3D models and scripting etc that they dont actually play the game, hence
the loveingly crafted 3D addons and endless reskins but we still dont have any OPFOr ships,boats or
proper fighters.