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Disposable Hero

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About Disposable Hero

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  1. Thanks for your help but I can't figure out how to actually use Gcam in game, I've loaded it with the ARMA2 launcher utility and a green text seems to indicate its installed when I start the game but I can't for the life of me actually use it! Sorry to be so dense!
  2. Thanks, but is there no way to lock the outside 3D view to a different unit?
  3. Just wondering if someone can help me with this, in the old Op Flashpoint game you were able to build missions and then let the AI run them without taking part yourself and I was wondering if this was possible in ARMA 2? By this I mean you could design the mission in the editor and then let the PC play it but slave your camera viewpoint to any particular piece of equipment and watch how it fared as it moved and fought by itself. I can find the outside 3D view but I can't find how to move it from my playable vehicle to track a non-playable vehicle. Also how do you stop it zooming in and out by itself when you release the zoom key? Does that make any sense at all! Is it possible to do that? Thanks