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Posts posted by Eddy25

  1. Very thanks for the amazing support but i fix it by myself.

    It was the antivirus that cause a problem with ArmA.

    Anyway today i created a new folder profile with the same file of my old profile,because i don't want to change name all time (i play Breaking Point too).

    I don't know why but the game has resetted all commands and the rank 18 with 23k$ on Hostile Takeover.

    Now i have to starting afresh...

    Thanks again for the support and for the game,developed with feet.

    A monkey would do it better. :icon_eek:

  2. Do you have any things in your arma that your friends do not have? Like launch parameters for example.

    The only difference between my friend is the internet connection. I use a WiFi connection (i have an antenna outside my house) of a private company,my friends use ADSL so i think that the problem is this.

  3. To explain the problem to you:

    1. Cause of the mission file receiving failure: server too busy, sending wrong data.

    2. Cause of "no message received" after getting the mission file: server too busy too.

    (optional) 3. the server might be too busy because of the way the mod is coded? "Hostile takeover" is maybe a mod still in development and buggy?

    Hostile Takeover is a gamemode.

    I don't know,i have this problem and all my teammates not.

    Any other idea?

  4. So this happens only on highly populated servers? Are you sure about that?

    But seriously? a 100+ slot server? That is asking for trouble. ArmA 3 is not made to withstand that..... even BF3 has reasons why is does not go above 64 players and that's a highly optimised game. ArmA 3 isn't.

    And if this problem also happens on other servers, then it might be your router blocking packets from the server.

    For now,it happens only in "Hostile Takeover" servers with +30 people inside.For example,i'm now playing in a "Hostile Takeover" server but with only 15/20 players and it works.

    The 100 slots server was a example.

    I remember that one day it happens in the private server of my clan. I rebooted the router and it works.

    So i don't know now.

    ---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

    I have a new information.

    I tried to join into the server where i was playing before,so i have already download the file mission but now it's full of player (69/70)

    When i join in,it says "No message received (1,2,3 etc)" with red chains and then disconnect.

    It's very like a the old problem with ArmA 2 (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=1813187#post1813187)

  5. Hi,i have a strange problem.

    When i try to join in a King of the hill server i have this issue.

    I made a video:


    (At 0:56 skip to 2:08)

    The mission files stop downloading and then the connection crash.

    If i want to rejoin in the same server,it disappear like in the video.

    This happens only in very populated server.

    It's like a old problem that my teammate try to solve for me in ArmA 2,four years ago.

    Here the post:

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=1813187#post1813187 (Never Solved,Never Played.)

    Can you help me?

    Thank you.

  6. Crazycow;1813187']Hi' date='

    Please help me to solve this matter, I'm going crazy and can't understand why...

    One of my clan member bought A2 and then A2 OA via Steam,

    Installed A2, then Installed A2 OA

    After checked that everything is set to run as admin, and nothing like firewall mess with A2 and OA

    Launch A2

    Launch A2 OA

    Launch A2 OA CO via Steam launch menu. (the popup that appears after double click on desktop "Launch Arma 2 OA" icon )

    First matter: In the "Expansions" menu there is both "arma2" that Arma2 and can't deactivate one of them.

    Second trouble: All seems ok, version 1.56, try to join server, ok he can choose a role in the briefing room, press ok, receiving mission data, and then:

    Red Chain, no message received from server until it disconnect and back again on server list.

    I've noticed that he was able to play on our server on OA maps, on other servers he could play a DM map (don't know wich) but just for a while.

    He absolutely can't play, Domination and Warfare, and in some server he is also not able to receive mission data.

    I suppose that there is some mess with CO, i can't explain in different ways how is possible that he could join and play just our server for example, and have red chain just when he finish to download mission data on all other server.

    Please help me to keep my friend Eddy active player on A2 OA![/quote']

