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About Eddy25

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  1. Eddy25

    Strange Connection Problem

    Very thanks for the amazing support but i fix it by myself. It was the antivirus that cause a problem with ArmA. Anyway today i created a new folder profile with the same file of my old profile,because i don't want to change name all time (i play Breaking Point too). I don't know why but the game has resetted all commands and the rank 18 with 23k$ on Hostile Takeover. Now i have to starting afresh... Thanks again for the support and for the game,developed with feet. A monkey would do it better. :icon_eek:
  2. Eddy25

    Strange Connection Problem

    (from Italy) I don't have any problem to play online with wifi,ping is good,packetloss around 0%-1%,all games work well. I have this problem in ArmA only.
  3. Eddy25

    Strange Connection Problem

    The only difference between my friend is the internet connection. I use a WiFi connection (i have an antenna outside my house) of a private company,my friends use ADSL so i think that the problem is this.
  4. Eddy25

    Strange Connection Problem

    Hostile Takeover is a gamemode. I don't know,i have this problem and all my teammates not. Any other idea?
  5. Eddy25

    Strange Connection Problem

    For now,it happens only in "Hostile Takeover" servers with +30 people inside.For example,i'm now playing in a "Hostile Takeover" server but with only 15/20 players and it works. The 100 slots server was a example. I remember that one day it happens in the private server of my clan. I rebooted the router and it works. So i don't know now. ---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ---------- I have a new information. I tried to join into the server where i was playing before,so i have already download the file mission but now it's full of player (69/70) When i join in,it says "No message received (1,2,3 etc)" with red chains and then disconnect. It's very like a the old problem with ArmA 2 (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=1813187#post1813187)
  6. Hi,i have a strange problem. When i try to join in a King of the hill server i have this issue. I made a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg6_-Guc3eE&feature=youtu.be (At 0:56 skip to 2:08) The mission files stop downloading and then the connection crash. If i want to rejoin in the same server,it disappear like in the video. This happens only in very populated server. It's like a old problem that my teammate try to solve for me in ArmA 2,four years ago. Here the post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=1813187#post1813187 (Never Solved,Never Played.) Can you help me? Thank you.