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Posts posted by soturi

  1. 1.56 seemed to remove Steamworks so now you don't even need Steam running. This is a good thing, trust me.

    Interestingly enough, I realized as much today - I do, in fact, have A2:CO functional. The splash screen and logo still say AO, but I can run A2 campaigns from it. So, while steam won't recognize CO, the standalone .exe does.

    for some reason, i thought this was supposed to make steam recognize CO. i would have preferred that, because then i wouldn't have to do this "integration" kabuki dance on every machine i may use. but... it works. so whatever :yay:

  2. ok... in order, this is everything i've done:

    - downloaded and installed steam's A2. played it.

    - downloaded and installed amazon's OA. played it.

    - downloaded and ran _runA2CO_nonSteamOA.cmd; it auto-opened OA. closed OA, opened A2 in steam... still not A2:CO.

    - found registry error (Arma 2 OA link in MAIN key pointed to "Arma 2" instead of "Arma 2 OA")

    - fixed registry (MAIN links in Wow6432Node and in SOFTWARE all point to the right places)

    - opened my amazon copy of OA; works.

    - opened my steam copy of A2; works.

    - re-ran _runA2CO_nonSteamOA.cmd in the appropriate folder. it didn't automatically open OA this time. fine.

    - opened steam copy of A2; still just A2, not A2:CO.


    i'm seeing a lot of people fixing this by using fourth-party "launcher" programs. i don't want to do that - i want steam to recognize that i have A2:CO.

    thanks for the help.

  3. Just bought the amazon OA, already have the steam Arma2.

    the OA installer found the steam install files, and installed the OA files accordingly. if i open A2 in steam, however, i can't access the OA campaign. i can access the A2 AND OA campaigns if i open the OA .exe file in the "steamapps" folder.

    i tried verifying file integrity through steam (read that was a fix), and it finishes properly, but i still can't access OA if i open A2 through steam.

    how do i properly integrate non-steam OA w/ steam A2?

    thanks in advance


    ---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------

    also, after steam's file integration didn't work, i patched OA to 1.57. still no luck.
