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About sapper_PMS

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Arma, Drums & Electronics
  • Occupation
    Programmer / Electronics engineer

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  1. Hey guys, I just got this tool used in former Czechoslovakia for training of BMP-1/2 crew gunners. Original electronics were useless so i made my own, really simple and made it work with Arma 2 and of course Arma 3 too (demo mission is in Arma 2). http://s28.postimg.org/rt7s0u8nx/IMG_20150520_210257.jpg (display shows instructions during initial calibration) The handles are exactly the same like in BMPs so the "feel" is pretty cool :cool: http://s28.postimg.org/hlp8ofmfx/bmp_gunner.jpg (152 kB) Handles can be turned in both axis, the more you tilt them the faster turrets turn around in x axis, same with y axis. http://s28.postimg.org/imphdk3fh/IMG_20150520_210552.jpg (182 kB) Weapons can be fired by pushing top button on right handle and toggle weapons with button on left one. http://s28.postimg.org/d8qp60dp9/IMG_20150520_210608.jpg (140 kB) I just made simple mission where you can choose vehicle to ride and then little raid on village starts. http://s28.postimg.org/x22sypr31/2015_05_20_00002.jpg (195 kB) My problem no 1 now is that in reality top button on the right handle is used to fire cannon and the one on the left handle is used to fire auxillary machine gun. Target is to make separate buttons fire each weapon without the need of toggling between weapons. I will appreciate every suggestion for solution. TODO: Give to the whole device better look. Driver position for BMP Driver position for T-72 Short video here, will come in better quality soon cuz i cant handle this recording and shooting multitasking :D
  2. Hi guys, about a year ago i´ve started working on extensions for controll of computer hardware (serial ports, USB devices etc...) and som system functions like writing/reading from files... that´s pretty all :D I believe there is more people on this forum who want to build their own, for example flight controller with gauges and switches and controlls... you know. Starting idea of this project was my tank driving controller. Actual content is: function_name ( parameters ) FileWrite ( relative path + filename, text) - writes to file - returns string "OK" or "ERROR" FileRead (relative path + filename, text) - reads from file - returns content of file in string or "ERR" ErrLog ( log text ) - writes log in log file in Arma directory with error marking InfLog (log text ) - writes log in log file in Arma directory with info marking COMConfig ( baud rate, serial com name) - writes baud rate and name of the serial port to the COM config file in Arma directory (default 9600, COM1) COMWriteByte ( value ) - sends value through the serial port in range 0-255, returns "OK" or "ERROR" COMWriteString ( string ) - sends string through the serial port TODO: Send data through USB HID terminals Controll of LPT port So guys if you have some ideas for improvements or for some new functions please post them in this thread. Pete McGo aka sapper_PMS
  3. sapper_PMS


    @firefly2442 Dude thanks so much ! I´v tried several ways but i´ve never put %1 in quotes. Thank you thank you thank you !
  4. sapper_PMS


    Hi guys, please could somebody tell, if it is possible to call the extension with parameter containing for example state of fuel of some vehicle ? something like _params = "Arma2_GOT_Dri [AddLogInf, DATA]"; "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension _params; or _params = "Arma2_GOT_Dri [AddLogInf," + (str (fuel _veh)) + "]"; "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension _params; or something similiar except 1000 ways i tried before. After whole day fighting with this, i am afraid i will go sleep defeated. Thanks for all your help guys.
  5. Hi guys sorry for making new thread but i have try to search for "create vehicle with crew" "spawn vehicle with crew" "spawn tank with crew" etc... I am making mp mission where players must defend one city against very agressive enemy. I am spawning infantry groups in 40 seconds intervals. I havent got any problem. Two groups spawn at two different marks, script will create waypoint and they will go there. But when i try to spawn vehicle... Here is script: _type = _this select 0 _mark = _this select 1 _time = _this select 2 #loop _slaGrp = createGroup EAST; _s1 = "SoldierECrew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos _mark, _slaGrp, " _slaGrp = this; [this] exec 'playerKillsScore60.sqs';", 1, "CORPORAL" ]; _s1 = "SoldierECrew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos _mark, _slaGrp, "[this] exec 'playerKillsScore60.sqs';", 1, "PRIVATE" ]; _tank = _type createVehicle (markerPos _mark) _s1 moveindriver _tank _s2 moveingunner _tank [_tank] exec "playerKillsScore200.sqs" ~1 _s1 assignasgunner _tank [_s1] ordergetin TRUE _s2 assignasdriver _tank [_s2] ordergetin TRUE _slaGrp addWaypoint [position CityMark,80] ~_time + (random 30) goto "loop" exit Vehicle will be created, crew will be created, but out of vehicle, i have try moveInXXXXX assignasXXXXX but nothing is working... But crew start moving on waypoint. Please help and sorry if it is somewhere here. Thank you guys.
  6. sapper_PMS

    Project CDF

    Guys some desert CDF units are already out BI Forum Thread @GossamerSolid If you want we could join our projects.
  7. sapper_PMS

    CDF moderne desert units

    Hi guys. So i've got beta releas for you. Here is readme: DOWNLOAD Mediafire 13.3 MB
  8. sapper_PMS

    CDF moderne desert units

    Hedo is right :) Inak zdrastvuj bratu :D btw i think you know this :)
  9. sapper_PMS

    CDF moderne desert units

    Thanks guys :) I know it´s looking little plastic but i am working on it. EDIT: This is how it looks after editation. It´s better but not the best. But the truth is that Operation Arowhead was just 3 years after war on Chernarus. It means that chernarussian modernized army is first time in war conflict after war in their country. So their newed newed hellicopters, vehicles, etc.. shouldn´t be looking so worn. But it´s true that original model was looking too plastic. And this is final version of ground unit: Thanx guys for tip ;)
  10. Hi guys. I am actually working on modern units of cdf for OA. Now i´ve got few soldiers in digital desert camo and 2 hips. One in dusty desert camo and second in digital desert camo. The weapons of infantry should be like weapons used by ACR or OS SR (slovakian armed forces). It means primary weapon should be Sa vz. 58 (i am working on clear version, any camo) or G-36, antitank weapon RPG-18, RPG-7 and for AT specialist MAAWS. For sniper i want use TheSun´s AWM but i am still waiting for his answer. Here are some screenshots : Screenshots Any ideas for improvements ?
  11. sapper_PMS

    MH-6J Little Retex Pack

    Thanks so much it´s big motivation :)
  12. sapper_PMS

    MH-6J Little Retex Pack

    Hey guys please tell me which camos you want to see on this helicpoter ? :)
  13. Hi guys. I have made this small pack of MH-6J littlebirds. I have just retextured original models from BIS. I know that green is awful so next time i will change that color. Please report bugs or send me your ideas about new retex or if you want prepared template for easier retexturing write me on pete.fbmego@gmail.com. Thaks for downloading and i hope you will enjoy it. And here is Read Me EDIT: Version 1.1 So I am here again :) Here is just one new unit for US Side - MH-6J Wtih ACU Digital camo EDIT: Version 1.2 Added 3 New units and changed original colors of green and blue version. New Digital Desert version: New Digital Urban version: New digital woodland version: Changed blue: Changed green: Here are all 11 versions of MH-6J in this release: Screens I hope it´s better now. Thanks so much Max Power for advice :) Version 1.2 DOWNLOAD
  14. I am modeler but i don´t know modeling characters and i really don´t know making textures. But i know coding addon´s configs for arma armed assault a things about setting models into game. So i can help if you want. I have started working on ANA for arma aa before but i had not anybody for help. So if want help just write me.
  15. sapper_PMS

    PMS Rifle Typ 98 Beta

    @Stewy: Thanks. I´ll keep :) @Joske: That addon is for Arma Armed assault. But i can´t find good role of this weapon in Arma 1 so i gave that rifle to the chernarussian army. I want make this addon for Arma 2 too. But i haven´t got Arma 2 now. I hope i´ll get it for chrismas :D Today i am starting to work on it again cuz last days i was more intersted in school. So i try make a version with NV optics, with silencer too and maybe some grenade launcher or some mortars. And thanks for motivation :)