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Posts posted by awfulwaffle

  1. Just replaced my Phenom 9550 with a phenom ii 955 BE, OC'd to 3.8 Ghz aaaaaaaaanddddd......

    same fps as i was getting with the 9550, in the 20 fps range with settings up moderately high, 1680x1050

    AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE, OC'd to 3.8 Ghz

    Asus M4n82 Deluxe mobo

    6GB DDR2 800 OC'd to 1066 stable

    Asus GTX460 OC'd to 840/1680 core/shader 2100 mem 1050mV also stable

    750watt psu


    Samsung 7200 RPM main drive

    Anyone know what gives?

  2. Yeah...dont worry about it.

    The only people who have bad performance with good rigs are morons, you can make arma2 run o.k. with a shit pc if you are a reasonably competent human.

    Ive run Arma2 on a P4 3.0GHz AGP system with 1gb of shit ram and a 7950GT without major dramas.

    Then I must be a moron >.<

    After reading through ~50 pages of the forum I still can't get over 20-25 fps anywhere (with the exception of an empty mission in the desert where I get right up to the limiter).

    I've tried lowering all the settings one by one, and it never yielded any significant change, even when drastically reducing the resolution. I hate to be that idiot, but I'm at wits end here.

    My rig is as follows:

    AMD Phenom x4 9550 OC'd to 2.8Ghz, tested stable

    Asus M4n82 Deluxe mobo

    6GB DDR2 800 OC'd to 1066 stable

    Asus GTX460 OC'd to 840/1680 core/shader 2100 mem 1050mV also stable

    750watt psu


    Samsung 7200 RPM main drive

    Running at 1680x1050, can run BFBC2 at ~60 fps at all high settings w/ same res

    Worst part is my buddy who has a stock clocked intel q6600, 9800gt sli, 4gb mem, and the same main drive gets better frames than me >.<


    figuring it's the cpu, but that q6600 is a 2.4. It does have a bigger cache though :/
