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About papdzan

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  1. Is the same in all games no more then 30,32 fps and graphics setting nothing change ....for example map ..... co@30 Utes Raidv1.67.Utes and TvT@18 SCUD Escort 1.00.Padagorsk
  2. Hi I have a problem witch fps in a multi-player games. I was can"t find nathing about it in a forum or maybe I looking wrong. My spec CPU- Phenom 955 oc 3.4 GPU- Gigabyte gtx460oc 1gb drivers ver. 260.99 RAM- 4gb patrit signature Disc- samsung 500gb f3 Motherboard- asus m4a88t-v evo Win 7 64bit fresh I have ererything on normal postprocessing-disable AA-low view- 1800 anizo-disable resolution- 1920-1080 but nathing happned when I change for low ressolution is still the same fps average 22 to 30 , same if I put up for high. Thanks for future help