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About ugo

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  1. Hi, I have arma2, arma2OA, BAF and PMC (download version, not steam version) and i can´t install de DLC´s (BAF and PMC) it keep´s saing "Writing of license file failed.". I disabled the antivirus, firewall, UAC. I have the Arma2 OA version 1.62 installed.
  2. Ye, but I don't know what. I have already reinstaled arma2, but still crashes on this map. My arma2 is the download version not the DVD version, but is version 1.08.
  3. Thanks for help, now i have the all thing, but still crashes.:o
  4. It crashes on me too, but i don't have the "Avgani Iraq & Afghnan Village" and the link for the download don't work anymore
  5. Hi, Anyone please send me the link, for this Avgani Iraq & Afghan Village, this link doesn't work anymore, and the map doesn't open on my arma2. thx