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Posts posted by 4958stanton

  1. I've no idea why you ask if this works for other games. It is a switch specifically for Arma2, see http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters#Performance for details.
    just done the xp thing but still same fps and just one gpu,thanks all for the help but looks like this game dose not use xfire gutted thats why i got 2 6870,s to play this game in max setting :mad:

    ---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 PM ----------

    It's not a fanboy thing and I try to tell people this all the time, AMD's drivers are garbage.

    Great hardware, great prices, pathetic driver support. They fix one thing and break another.

    I had 2 6870s when they were released but I dumped one of them and replaced the other with one of my old 480s.

    CF is pants compared to SLI. Nvidia's developer relationships and manual profiles bury AMD in every possible way.

    i no what u mean mate ati/amd #### but like allways will have to wate for ccc 10.12 and that will sort it out, NOT:(

  2. @4958stanton : did you try the -winxp switch? Which software did you use to gather your data?


    I used gpu-z and just run crysis and only uses one card and now in arma 2 oa it only uses one card as well ? Ps just put 10.10e on again and now one card works this crossfire stuff is bad if I new it was going to be this bad I would have stuck with one 6870 and no I haven't used the winxp switch will this work for other games?

  3. Hey it appears my crossfire isnt working is this a pretty common issue? and if so how do i fix it.

    i5 750

    4G ram

    10,000RPM Velociraptor HDD

    xfx 5870 x2

    Asus p7p55 WS Supercomputer motherboard

    Crossfire appears to work in every other game i currently have except arma 2.

    i tried drivers 10.10 and 10.11 with corrosponding APPs for crossfire help please

    same as me mate,2x 6870 :(gutted

    hope some one can help

  4. Hi comp in me sig.Right my comp can max out all games I have but not this,ime getting 30fps with all settings to max 1080 P ,AA set to low but keep getting fps drops to 22-15 fps

    ps if I do the bench mark in OA I get 55-60 fps with all settings at max but in game it's bad PLZ help is there a good setup for 6870 crossfire
