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Everything posted by Psywarpaint37

  1. Psywarpaint37

    Freeze in Mission Razor 2

    Hello ladies and gents, Don't know if this is how to do this. Sorry if I mess up the format or something. I have the same problem in Razor 2. Either the third red X way up north causes a game freeze or the guy with the NAPA fighters in Vish w/e. The only thing I changed was I turned off VSYNC and Triple buffer and the only time I played it again it didnt freeze. I went to both locations and no freeze. Very weird indeed. I only tried it once and I'm afraid of restarting (wasted my only save) from fear of the scripts getting screwy again. Intel I7 950 at 3.06 GHZ MSI PRO X 6GB NVIDIA GTS 450 TRACK IR 5 (25-30 FPS average -__-)