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Posts posted by Psywarpaint37

  1. Hello ladies and gents,

    Don't know if this is how to do this. Sorry if I mess up the format or something.

    I have the same problem in Razor 2. Either the third red X way up north causes a game freeze or the guy with the NAPA fighters in Vish w/e. The only thing I changed was I turned off VSYNC and Triple buffer and the only time I played it again it didnt freeze. I went to both locations and no freeze. Very weird indeed. I only tried it once and I'm afraid of restarting (wasted my only save) from fear of the scripts getting screwy again.

    Intel I7 950 at 3.06 GHZ



    NVIDIA GTS 450

    TRACK IR 5

    (25-30 FPS average -__-)
