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About Panzerdraco

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  1. Is it at all possible to rearm the Hellfire AGM-114K missiles during the mission Open Season while using ACE?
  2. Oops, got it working, was a few leftover processes from BitDefender post-uninstall that were in the way. Sorry for wasting your time. Great mod, btw.
  3. Updating installed gems ERROR: [url]http://rubygems.org/[/url] does not appear to be a repository ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError) Errno::ETIMEDOUT: A connection attempt failed because the connected party di d not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. - connect(2) ([url]http://rubygems.org/[/url] yaml) Cleaning up installed gems... Clean Up Complete This is what I get when it tries to update RubyGems, even with the ports open on my firewall and router. Once it actually opens the web interface, there are no presets to select from, so yeah...
  4. Okay, I simply cannot update ACE to the latest release. SixUpdater refuses to work no matter what I do, always throwing out errors or "cannot find server" messages, using the GUI or console method, god knows why. AddonSync2009 seems to work except that every Auto-Config URL I try appears to be unresponsive or disappeared. What on earth should I do?
  5. I'm confused as to exactly how to install this. I have the Steam editions of ArmA II and ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead (bought seperately, not in a Combined Operations pack). I installed CBA, ACE, ACEX, ACEX_SM and ACEX_RU into the ArmA II directory in Steam, put them in the launch parameters in that order (-mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_RU). The mods show up in the "expansions" section of the main menu when I play Operation Arrowhead, but I don't notice any changes in-game. Do I have to put the files in the Operation Arrowhead directory as well? The installation instructions were pretty vague.