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About papadan

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  1. papadan

    Lack of support!!!!

    Due to the rudeness and lack of so called support of SOME poeple on here i WILL NOT be using this forum again.:mad::( Thank you to the poeple who have helped. NOW LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!! I would rather join the TALIBAN than listen to this s**t
  2. papadan

    Another noob question.

    Thanks Walker, i think ill give MP a go, ill get back to you regarding the hard core sessions once Ive familiarized myself a bit more. Many thanks Dan
  3. papadan

    Another noob question.

    Thanks EDcase, this is certainly different to the usual FPS games,not sure if there's much point in playing MP yet (could get a bit embarrassing) but I'm really enjoying it up to now,Ive found out it is one of my own CREWMAN that is shooting me but don't know why!! anyway thanks again for your advise,looks like its gonna be a long hard fight. cheers Dan
  4. Thank you,i forgot to say im also hidden in a MG nest with machine-gunners as protection. thanks again Dan
  5. papadan

    Another noob question.

    My apologies i didnt read the rules,thank you Walker.
  6. I'm slowly getting into Arma2 starting with SP scenerios,Ive played all of them through apart from FREEDOM FIGHTERS so I'm familiar (roughly) with the game play,the problem is i keep getting killed for no apparent reason,Ive got control of 2 towns MYSTA-STAROYE Ive also built up defences there to try to hold them before i move on,i am in my base camp heavily defended miles away (its impossible to get killed by ENEMY forces)then suddenly i get shot but don't know how,1st i thought friendly fire but there's nobody there. am i missing something ? this is very frustrating it has happened 4 times now after days of building up my teams,Ive also tried different towns always the same.really need some advise. cheers Dan
  7. in sp scenarios freedom fighters i keep getting killed for no reason,is this a bug,i control 2 towns MYSTA-STORAYE but I'm in my base camp miles away heavily defended, its impossible for me to get killed by ENEMY forces. cheers Dan
  8. Hi, Ive had ARMA2 for a while now but not got into it, anyway tried again the last couple of days and really like it, I AM A NEWBIE to A-2 so am probably doing something wrong. the problem is I'm tr yin to construct a base camp,spent 3 hours on it today it was nearly finished apart from the last (small bunker) so i clicked on it as usual,it glowed green as usual BUT couldn't place it anywhere,this function seems to freeze i can still move around in construction mode and the audio seems OK,cant click back i have to restart the level. This is happening in SP scenario's WAR WELCOME. any help would be greatly appreciated cheers Dan