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Everything posted by F31!x

  1. Hey there, I'm a big fan of the Arma Series, so I bought OA in the Give & Get Sales last week on Steam. I now try to play the campaign in coop with a Friend but we can't join each others MP Game. I enabled DMZ for my IP-Adress and also opened the following ports: TCP 6073, TCP/UDP 2234 TCP/UDP 2300-2400 TCP 47624 I found something of this in the Forums and also through google, but nothing in the Readme for this. My friend also opened the same Ports at his router. Now when we try to join a game someone of us hosted the Ping will be shown with a "?" or Ping of 2500. I don't understand why. I also allowed the game to communicate through the Winodws Firewall (both Windows 7 x64). But also when I desiable the Firewall it does also show no Ping and nobody can join the Game (Connecting Failed). So hopefully someone of you have an Idea what we do wrong?! Thanks for your time!
  2. UpNp is off, COH is forwared on the Ports that are required. And yes I also know how to open ports. I'm no computer noob or do not understand what to do. My simple question is which ports exactly needs to be open to play online and also Host a coop-game?
  3. Hi VisceralSyn, thanks for your reply, I already have a static IP route to my machine, It's not the first MP Game I play online and where I have to open Ports. All others are working even with Hosting (e.g. Company of Heroes). This is why I don't understand that Arma 2 doesn't work :(