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About Arkymedes2

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  1. Arkymedes2

    Russia, return or someone new?

    True. But you got the idea right? I think it would fit perfectly for ArmA
  2. Arkymedes2

    Russia, return or someone new?

    What about something in the lines of the movie "The Sum of All Fears"? With some very nice puppetring done by Europeans nationalists putting the US and Russia against each other? That movie, imo explored very good ideas.
  3. Arkymedes2

    1st Person Camera Shaking o.O

    Ok, gonna try now! Thank you all for the fast reply! :)
  4. Hello all, This is my first thread here and I cannot find this anywhere else. I'm a big fan of the original OFP series and couldn't stop noticing how hard is to play 1st person with all the "realistic shaking". For the life of me, I almost throw up due to motion sickness and I'm sure OFP doesn't have it :/ Is there a way to disable this "feature"? To make the camera in first person be more OFP like? It's really annoying to play in 3rd person all the time. Thanks in advance!
  5. Yeah, I would love that one too.. How the hell can we control LOD in this game???