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About Steiner34

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    Private First Class
  1. So after some people reported having some problems with the new Task modules I'm going to explain it here how to use them in a simple and proper way. In this case i will make a short mission where you have to kill an enemy unit. So lets start: 1.Create a player unit 2.Create an enemy unit 3.Create a trigger around the enemy unit, group it with the trigger and set the condition to "not present" So far so good. Now comes the module part: 4. Create the module "Create Task"(At the point "Apply to" set it to "Group of synchronized objects". The rest is up to you) 5. Synchronize this module to the player 6. Create the module "Create diary record", fill it out with your preferences and synchronize it to your unit as well. 7. Now create the module "Set Task Destination" set it to "Synchronized Object" and synchronized it with "Create Task" and the Enemy unit 8.Now the last part. Create the module "Set task state" set it to succeeded and synchronize it with "Create Task", "Set Task Destination" and the trigger you've placed. Done. If everything works fine you will get your task at start and if you kill the unit the Task will be set as "Succeeded". Hope this helps. :D
  2. Well good for you but dont rage when for example Valve starts to charge a monthly fee to use steam and if you disagree or cannot afford it you will loose all of your 50 games. Just read their EULA and you may will understand what Steam is basically doing to your bought games here. http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/english/ BTW. there is also an non DRM alternative out there. Its called Gog.com where you can buy, download and play games without any Steamworks protection and it works great. Dude with powerhungry I didnt mean the resources Steam needs itself but the behaviour of Steam to become basically a monopoly which will always ends in tyranny for those who are being forced to use it.
  3. Nope. I put 2 Blufor and 2 Opfor with 2 mortars on each side. No vehicles at all and basically everytime the iranians massacred the blufor side. I think I repeated it around 3 times or so. Always the Iranians won. ---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ---------- Ah thank you for that tip. It worked. Thanks. :)
  4. Also I still hate the fact that this game is exclusive to that moneygrabbing,greedy and powerhungry Steam dictatorapplication(I had luck a friend bought it for me so Steam is not getting any money from me) the overall impression after playing for around 4 hours is quite positive. 1.Performance At the first startup I was nervous cause I personally thought my PC couldn't handle the game but after starting up the editor the first time I just said to me WOW. The Alpha build runs even smoother than Arma 2 in the current state on my machine in standard settings. So from that point of view a very good improvement but I guess without Steam it would run even better.;) 2.AI Definately the best improvement so far I've seen in all the Arma games. Especially the house to house combat is much smoother and better now although the AI still wont use buildings correctly.(Was putting in 3 Opfor groups against 4 Bluefor groups in the biggest village near the airport with 2 mortars on each side) Most of the time they just open the door move a little bit around like retards and get out again. I also like the thing that the AI mortars are shooting now on enemy contact which gives the game whole more immersion. Very good job on that side. Also when attacking one of the outpost in the wilderness the AI is not willing to cross the barriers around the camp. They just stay behind it and wait and wait and wait until I come out and shoot them. BTW what I noticed is that the Opfor side is much better right now than bluefor. Everytime I played 2 vs groups Opfor won with only small casualties ;) 3.Editor/Modules So far what I've seen from the Editor is that is much more easier to use now. You have function and debugs modes now and of course a ton of new modules. So far the whole system of modules is a little bit confusing and I guess most of them wont work correctly at the current state or I'm just to stupid to use them properly. Hopefully there will be a complete documentation how to use them. 4.Compatibility with older Addons I like the idea that you can port all the maps from Arma 2 into Arma 3. I tried it yesterday with very good results. Also you can port basically all the guns. Just make an Addon folder and load it up. 5.Bugs Overall there weren't any crashes for me only small bugs like bushes and trees are popping up out of nowhere sometimes. Also it seems like the inventory of fallen soldiers is bugged. There are basically no magazines for their mainguns in the inventory. Hopefully that one will be fixed soon. I'm really looking forward to the more improved versions. I think it has a lot of potential to become the best Arma of the series. Unfortunately there is still that bad taste that there is that fascistic program called Steam running the background to play this great game. Hopefully at some point BI will patch Steam out of the game.
  5. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    No the thread died because the "moderation" made it clear that further critical discussion is not more allowed but only in a 2 year OffTopic thread where nobody is clearly looking into it.... I guess a lot of people would like to continue discussing but then I guess they would face a ban......Freedom of speech, consumer rights? Screw you. Dont think and apply to the new "rules" or face persecution..... We're clearly moving into a new dark age.....
  6. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    +1 Well said Sir.
  7. Steiner34

    When are you buying Arma 3?

    When the Steam slavery system has been removed from the game or someone gives me the game as a gift. Otherwise Arma3 can rot in the steamshop forever.....
  8. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I really do hope that they have success in their lawsuit against Valve. Hopefully people will then finally wake up and see what it means to bind games to a online third party company....
  9. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Well I guess I was wrong on that matter but still it wont solve the problem that I'm not willing to bind a payed game to an online account.
  10. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Is there any official statement to that claim cause what Ive heard is that multiple accounts are not allowed. Well if thats the case I will not use the BI store anymore. There is also no need. I've bought all the DLCs for Arma 2 and have them on disc/harddrive and after I'm not going to buy Arma 3 the BI store is obsolete for me.
  11. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Well maybe you know that but it is not allowed to create mulitple accounts and If they catch you like comparing login data and IPs they can ban all of your accounts. Also I personally think a lot of people have more than 1 game in their list. I have for example 12 games in it and unfortunately if something goes wrong I will loose all of them just because Steam decides to do so. Arma doesnt need Steam to survive. Through the DayZ hype BI made so much money in a year that it should be enough to make at least Arma 3 and Arma 4 or did they spend everything on buying expensive cars and enjoying life and not investing it in the company? Well then yes they have big problems.....
  12. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Well Sir maybe it offers you as devs good opportunities but for us the customers it means to be at the mercy of a third party company. Just read their Terms of Agreement: So basically im not a customer anymore but being degraded to a subscriber which is doing a contract with Valve not with the game company like Bohemia Interactive anymore. Steam may grant me the right(So basically Im at the mercy of a company which can give or deny me the access) to use these services/licenses like playing a game I payed 50 Euros. So after paying 50 to play a game I only get a so called limited, terminable and non exclusive license which basically means when Steam thinks the limit has been reached they take away the license and I can throw my 50 Euros into the garbage. So even the so called auto updates or easy updatablity which was favored by the Pro-Steam members is not even guaranteed. So in all those named cases the customer will loose basically all his games he payed with his hard earned money. Do you really think thats so awesome to loose everything you spend money on. Thats worse than the global 2008 banking fraud. So even in the case Steam would spread a virus to your computer you wont get anything in return but in fact you alone have to face the consequences. So in the case for example lets pretend Steam would amend his Terms like saying hey were going to charge the users 10 Euros a month to continue using the platform and you would fail to agree in 30 days or you would disagree thea would lock/delete your account and you would loose ALL YOUR GAMES without any sort of refund. You know what I call that? Fraud..... http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/english/ What I can see here is that the customer gets screwed over by all means. I cant even believe that those Terms are still legal in Europe. Its nothing but a big fraud which forces us the customers to give up all our rights just to bow down to a US hosted company.... Great job BI...... No more money for you from me. You've lost me as loyal customers who bought all of youre games since Operation Flashpoint.... I'm not willing to become a "happy" Steamslave.....
  13. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Well said Sir. Also dont forget this part in the Steam EULA So with Steam you only get a limited, terminable and and non exclusive license to play this game. Also in next parapgraph Steam says that it is not even entitled as a third party service to bring out future updates to any games you have bought. For me this is a horrible fraud.
  14. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Unfortunately I guess youre right. Well at least that gives the community the opportunity to develop Arma2 further to make it the best and last game of the real ArmA series. ;) At least I cannot wait for more content for CWR 2, ACE, I44 and all those other great mods out there.
  15. Steiner34

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I really dont get the point here. Why not promoting and selling your games through your platform Sprocket? I was always satisfied with this service. Quick payment and good downloadrates. Instead youre going to promote ArmA 3 on a third party platform like steam exclusively. I really dont get it. Have you maybe been bullied into this? Well at least you have lost me as a loyal and longtime customer. Im not going to buy anymore games of your company if youre going this way. I as customer want to have the freedom to decide where and when to play a game I payed my hard earned money on. Im very sorry to say that. I always saw you as the last company who cares about your customers. Unfortunately i was wrong.....