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About kvnastn

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  1. kvnastn

    Building Destruction

    NASA for the most part has relatively garbage computers compared to the consumer gaming market however i am not asking for an accurate physics simulation for every single particle in every single brick in every single building. I want a semi-accurate looking representation of a destroyed wall as an end result if not only for gameplay purposes. It would not take that much to run this as arma 2 is not a very demanding game (I average 40% CPU usage) just highly unoptomized. if fully optimized this would not be a large hit at all.
  2. kvnastn

    Building Destruction

    I think a building destruction system similar to the frostbite 3 (except tuned for realism) would be the ideal solution as it does not require a large amount of performance or hardware acceleration while still adding a whole new dimension to arma. you could have a hole still blown in the wall with out physx like frostbite 3 and have physx toggolable (for lesser performing systems) and have realistic debris crumbling and shrapnel flying. Think of the options this would add as opposed to the current system in a2! why go through the front door when I could breach the wall? think of the osoma raid for instance where the second team had to breach the walls to enter the compound and many door ways were bricked in forcing them to breach walls.
  3. kvnastn

    When will we see a trailer ?

    I'm going to assume this was completely false....I didn't see anything like that on the trailer...maybe I just missed it
  4. I agree with this but the last thing I want is to lose the freedom currently offered. as much as I love intense realistic firefights I love screwing around just as much. I want to be able to carry a SAW and a Barret if I want. maybe this could be togglable via difficulty. I also think a nice full character customization screen would be nice. one were you could actually fill pockets in your vest with items mags etc. and you can purchase different pants/vests etc. which have more or less pockets/weight. a system in which you can purchase upgrades to weapons or armor to a certain extent in the campaign would also be cool as I know that many armed servicemen must purchase their own gear past standard issue. personally my cousin had to buy his own scope for his rifle, batteries for optics etc. sorry for the spelling I'm trying to post this off of my phone lol
  5. kvnastn

    Fireplaces put out while raining

    I think people are missing the point here. to me this seemed obviously sarcastic. I think the OP is mocking people who post threads saying "BIS must add this" or "BIS must do that" when talking about small, generally useless gameplay wise, tweaks such as the ragdoll argument or the women soldier argument. I agree that BIs efforts are better spent improveing core functionality.
  6. kvnastn

    Slaving the Apache Gun with trackir

    is there a way to slave it to the players view because i always with the alt key double tapped so that i can look around and fly with the keys so it would be great to be able to shoot the gun as the pilot
  7. Hello i just finished a new build and for some reason the textures will take forever to popup specifically trees! Another thing is that it does not seem to take full use of my ample graphics memory (6GB)? my FPS DOUBLES when going from 2200+ view distance to 1600 or less my FPS goes from about 20 to 100 average? Is there anyway to force it to use my video mem? Specs: win 7 64bit i7 965 @ 4.5GHZ 12GB DDR3 2123Mhz RAM Intel 256GB SSD 3x ATI 5870 2GBs in xfire Textures load fine on my other computer but i cannot get the FPS above 20??? win 7 64-bit i7 980x @ 4.82GHz 24GB DDR3 2000MHz ram 4x crucial c300 SSDs RAID 0 4x GTX 480 (4x 580s arriving in a few days!!!!)