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Everything posted by XxCujo115Xx

  1. Thanks man it works great.. Just one thing how come i dont see alot of people playing online im looking for a place where is like players vs players?
  2. "E:\Arma 2\Bohemia Interactive\arma2OA.exe" There is the combined ops line from my icon in my program file i currently have @ACE,@ACEX,@ACEX_RU,@ACEX_SM,@ACEX_USNavy and @CBA installed in my arma file Also another question with the target line i can also go int non ace mod games to right
  3. I dont know what to use or how to do it thats the problem
  4. I really need help. I have been flipping pages for a while and searching... I just bought arma 2 combined ops i installed Ace 2 and everything but the only wait to launch it is to go into the Six updater and exectue. is there anyway i can use a target line. I tried using it but it gives me a error that the error with shortcut and stuff.. What targetline to i use and what icon should i put it in. Sorry i really need help