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About _sherlock_

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    Private First Class

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  1. _sherlock_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    How are you this fast? It took me weeks just to create a mission in Arma and you're creating these amazing 3D models within days it seems 😄 Really nice work. Also, thanks for forwarding the bugs. If I find anything else, I'll let you guys know. Thanks again for this amazing mod and the time you and the others invest.
  2. _sherlock_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Nice work Freelancer. 😄 I think, I may have found another "bug" in the mod (not sure if these are really bugs, but I thought it might be worth pointing them out): - The rear view mirrors on the willys jeep and GMC truck are not inverted. (could be that this is also the case for the Kubel and the Japanese truck, but I didn't try them) - Ammunition for the two shotguns is not available in the virtual arsenal. - No reload sounds on the guns (maybe not a bug but just that way for the moment).
  3. _sherlock_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Wow, really nice work on the stuart and dodge 😄
  4. _sherlock_

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Hey Guys, Fantastic work on the mod. As more of a casual player I never got to play the mod much since there aren't a lot (or any?) coop missions or servers who host missions with the mod. So, I ported Dennenboom's EvorA mode (COOP CTI game mode) to Summa Winter. I had a blast with the mod and the mission so far with my friends. I added some of my own scripting changes and scripts to remove all modern grenades/mines and explosives from the virtual arsenal. If anyone is interested, you can find the mission here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1641582976 Edit: I created also a version using some assets from CSA38 in addition to FoW: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1645172612 If you find any bugs etc. please let me know on the workshop page and I'll try to fix them. Also if you have any wishes, suggestions or feedback on the mission (difficulty or other things), let me know. Known issues, that I cannot fix: I built an entirely new village and used pavements to create stairs, walking up these "stairs" will lead to a lot of shaking since those are cubic shapes so for every step the view will jump (stairs normally are basically ramps that look like stairs to avoid this issue). Speaking of bugs, I came across two potential bugs in the mod: -the ammunition for the two shotguns does not show up in the virtual arsenal -no weapon reload sounds (maybe known, since they are all placeholders) Thanks again for this fantastic mod and all the work you guys have put into it.
  5. Did you read the links I sent you? In that thread I discribe the exact same problem to Dwarden, find a workaround (provided as a link in my initial post) and Dwarden answered and elaborated the situation (also linked in my initial post). My description of the problem: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=2241737&viewfull=1#post2241737 The workaround I found: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=2242247&viewfull=1#post2242247 Dwarden's answer: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=2242379&viewfull=1#post2242379 There is also this workaround: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2975783 In it a steam staffer confirms that Valve is aware of the problem and is currently looking into it. I hope this helps.
  6. Please read at least the comment just above yours and you'll see that the topic is covered and a workaround found ;) Here is the suggested workaround: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=2242247&viewfull=1#post2242247 Hope this helps, have fun.
  7. This is absolutely correct, but as I said, as soon as any mod is loaded over the "start parameters" it will revert back to only launching OA for whatever reason. I just wanted to bring this to your attention. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  8. Thanks for the information. The problem is that, if you use the start parameter line to load mods that are not located in the Arma 2: OA folder (can't be loaded from within the game if located on a RamDisk or other hard drive) the game will not start as Combined Operations but as OA. The use of the "run A2: Co menue option" was that one could load mods located anywhere on the pc over the start parameter line and then launch the game as CO. This is the reason I called it a workaround rather than a fix since functionality did get lost. Is there any fix to that or will I have to make symbolic links to the modfolders within the Arma folder so I can run them in CO?
  9. You might want to check this post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=2242247&viewfull=1#post2242247 And Dwardens response: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?73554-ARMA2-amp-OA-s-Steam-Thread-All-Steam-Q-s-discussions-go-here-covered-by-Dwarden&p=2242379&viewfull=1#post2242379 Hope this helps.
  10. A possible workaround to the problem is to delete the -mod= line in the start parameters and start Operation Arrowhead and enable Arma 2 via the Expansions in the main menue. However this is just a workaround not a real solution to the problem. I hope Valve or BI figure out what went wrong and will be able to fix the issue.
  11. I might have a similar problem. Today when I attempted to start CO (both A2 and OA over steam) there was a message telling me that steam would convert the data into a more efficient format after the process was completed CO would no longer start and the infamous message "This game is currently unavailable" was displayed. I followed these instructions to try and resolve the issue: 1) https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4595-WEXN-6831 2) http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=19729282&postcount=2 In addition, after both methods didn't yield a positive outcome, I even went as far as uninstalling A2 and OA with all addons and reinstalled it, which also didn't help. The thing I really cannot wrap my head around however is that I can, without any issues, start A2 or OA but if I select "launch arma 2: combined operation", I get the error message. (I was playing on SIG-Sever, CO-domi-Server on Chernarus, just the day before without issues) Does anyone have any ideas or is haveing the same issues?
  12. Strange. I could reproduce the issue with 3 other people so far and it seems kklownboy was able to get the same result. Well, here my details: System Specifications: - Windows 8 64bit - AMD Phenom II X810 @3.3 GHz - AMD Radeon HD5780 - AMD performance DDR3-Ram 16GB, 1600 MHz (6 GB used as a RamDisk for the most important pbo files, best optimisation I've ever done for Arma 2) Settings: Visability: 2600 Interface Resolution: 1920*1200 3D Resolution: 1920*1200 Texture details: Very High Video Memory: Very High Anisotropic Filtering: Very High Antialiasing: Low ATOC: All trees + grass Terrain Detail: Normal Objects Detail: High Shadow Detail: Very High HDR Quality: Very High PPAA: FXAA(sharp filter) High Postprocess effects: Disabled Interface size: Very Small Vsync: Disabled ArmA2OA CFG-file GPU_MaxFramesAhead="1"; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead="1"; Benchmark 01: 37 fps on average, never dropping bellow 28 Could be due to different drivers for AMD and Nvidia. I'll check that. @kklownboy: Are you using an AMD or Nvidia Card? What driver do you use?
  13. Bug: transparent textures of shelves in supermarkets and some wardobes in buildings when ATOC "All trees + grass" is activated. The bug will not occur with ATOC only set to "All trees". Reproduce: Simply anable FXAA and ATOC "All trees + grass" and place a character in the editor near a shop. The bug is dependend on the distance to the object and doesn't appear in 3rd person view. Have a look at the video for an illustration:
  14. Thanks. I have been testing betas for quite some time now but all bugs were found long before I found them ;). I'm suprised that noone seems to have found this one :D (although it's unrelated to the betas)
  15. Thanks for the answer. I'm using FSAA on low and FXAA (+sharp) on very high. I disabled all PPAA and was able to still produce the same result. Here a short illustration: The bug can also be reproduced with other furniture like a wardrobe in certain buildings. Appologies for the poor quality. It seems youtube doesn't like the format I uploaded. I did search for a ticket for it, but didn't find any. Should I create one for this?