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About Rokit

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  1. Shoot, I think the movement is unwieldy, jerky, and awkward in general. That's my main gripe about the game (and I just bought it). Like when you crouch, bring your gun up, and walk forward, your character's arms twitch back n forth. Now, I know they did this on purpose because no one can hold their gun perfectly steady while crouching and moving, but I think they can do a lot better than that. When you hold a gun yourself and walk forward trying to hold it steady, the gun may move but it's not a distraction. It's certainly not a twitch fest as in Arma's case. I feel less like the player and more like some documentary film maker following the player. It's just a distraction. It may truly be the case that's how guns move when you carry them, but it doesn't feel like that when you carry them. You feel like you're holding the gun steady and it's not a distraction. In Arma's case it's a distraction. I think if they lessened the movement, made it less twitchy and more smooth, the game would be a lot more enjoyable for me. Frankly I love Arma's realism which is the whole reason I bought it. I was playing CoD, but just got sick and tired of the BS. In black ops it takes not one, but 2 shots to the head to kill a person with a silenced sniper rifle from 5 feet away. 2 shots to the foot will give you the same result. Ridiculous. I think one thing CoD did get right though, was movement. It's smooth and doesn't hinder the experience. Hope BI does something about it. My 2 cents.