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Everything posted by ExplosiveAids

  1. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Sorry for all the pic-teasing guys. v1.2 is up and ready to download. Head over to the other thread, I've updated the front page with new pics and a link :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=110470
  2. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Good news everyone! Stiltman has come through and made the M240 operational. There are a couple of technical setbacks but it works and looks good enough for a first release. The M240 mount doesn't pivot just yet but Stiltman is working on it. Also, the lower third of the gunner's boots disappear into the floor. It's a minor issue but you won't notice it once you've got your whole squad in the truck. Here are a few new pics so you can be the judge: Whatever isn't 100% perfect when we release v1.2 will be improved upon in future releases. As for a release date for v1.2..... It's close, very close. I can't give you a date but we're talking a matter of days, not weeks. So, the next pics I post will come with a file to download :)
  3. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    The only thing left to do for this model is the M240 mount. Once that's working properly, we'll be ready to release v1.2 and let you guys get your hands on them. I think it'll be worth the wait.
  4. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Thanks wld427, I'm glad to hear these brought back some memories. I have some new pics to start the week off btw. I've updated the nohq map on the large steel plate and the doors, and added a new exhaust. Unfortunately, I had to remove the spare wheel from the M240 variant. It looked good but it clipped the passenger's legs too much. Anyway, enough rambling... here are some pics. This model is 100% complete now. We're just finishing off the second troop carrier and then v1.2 will be ready for release. I won't say when, just in case something comes up and we have to delay, but we're aiming to get it done soon.
  5. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Great pics, thanks suhsjake. It should be pretty easy to make that hardened roof. I'll add it to long list of future Humvees you've inspired me to make lol. After v1.2 of the pack is released, v1.3 will mostly GMVs. After that, I'll start making these ones and a few others. I won't give you an ETA on them because I'm planning on putting a lot of time and effort into these GMVs. As a side note, while I'm working on v1.3, Stiltman will be converting v1.2 for ArmA2. After that he said he wanted to start work on converting the SLAT armour Strykers :) We'll keep you guys updated on our progress, of course.
  6. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Troop carrier #2 is still being refined, but we're getting closer to finishing it. Stiltman is perfecting the weapon mount right now, and I'm still making the finishing touches in 3D Studio. So basically, it looks finished, but it's not. I'll post more pics as soon as possible.
  7. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Development of the HMMWV pack has slowed down recently (damn real life, always getting in the way) but we're still on it. The new desert tan variants got their tyres muddy for the first time this week, so I have some pics to share. As far as these three are concerned, all that remains to do is tidy up a few textures and make sure all the LODs are looking good.
  8. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    And finally... here's what the second troop carrier looks like now. It still needs more work done, but it's almost finished. Stiltman suggested adding a rusty dividing wall and a pivoting weapon mount, so that's exactly what I did. He's now working on the technical side of making that mount work properly. I hope you all like the pics. I'll post more when we've made some progress.
  9. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Here's the current build of the first troop carrier. This still isn't 100% complete; I'm in the process of making the side-mounted exhaust pipe. Once that's finished it'll be pretty much done.
  10. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    And here are some in-game pics of the redesigned original three.
  11. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    TOW version:
  12. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Mk19 version:
  13. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    That's a good idea. Stiltman was able to put a random logo-generator on the ArmA2 version of the HMMWV pack, so he might be able to do this too. It's certainly worth looking into. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a ton of pics for guys today. v1.2 of the HMMWV pack is still 'in progress' but when it's ready, it's gonna be bigger than expected. Here's why... Instead of releasing three additional HMMWVs, we'll be releasing six. I decided to make a desert tan texture and slightly remake the original three. All I've done is replace the orange panels with CIPs and added a few extra bits of detail, but they're looking like totally new models. Anyway, here come a LOT of pics:
  14. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    I almost forgot to mention... I'm about halfway through the second troop carrier. Some elements of this model may change before final release btw (the spare wheel, ammo boxes, MRE boxes and the M240 are all temporary). Both troop carriers now have bench seats and the ALICE packs have been re-textured and 'strapped' to the armour panels. More pics and more detail to come :)
  15. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    I'll be posting the latest pics of the troop carrier soon, but I just wanted to show you guys something that distracted me. It's something that's been bugging me ever since we released the first HMMWV pack, so I decided to fix it for the next release. I've basically smoothed out the normal map for the doors and the rear vents. Here's the photo that inspired me to make them in the first place: Here's v1.0 of the HMMWV pack: And here's the updated HMMWV that will be coming out in v1.2: I've also improved something else which was bothering me: the curved antenna. In v1.0 the base of it was at a right-angle, but now I've bent it over smoothly. I've also 'tied' the antenna to the bull-bars. I'm probably being overly fussy, and no one will ever notice this but me, but I had to do it lol.
  16. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Absolutely. This was the first version of the ALICE pack texture and it just doesn't look quite right. I've already adjusted the saturation and overall brightness in Photoshop so it's looking a lot better. I'm currently in the process of improving my UVW map and making sure the edges blend together nicely. I'll post some new pics in a day or two.
  17. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Hehe, glad you like them. If you like the troop carrier now, you're gonna love it when you next see it. A lot more detail has been added and it's looking good, if I do say so myself. After this update (which will include the recon Humvee and two types of troop carrier) we're making some special forces GMVs. I've been doing some photo research and found three, maybe four styles that would look so good as part of this pack. These include some unarmoured and some uparmoured. We're also gonna see if we can replace the .50cal with an M134 :) After that... I would be interested in making another Stryker or two. It would involve a lot of work but I'd really like to make the ESV with either a plough or mine-rollers. I'm easily distracted though, if something more tempting comes alone I may change my mind lol. As far as command vehicles go, we added one to v1.3 of the Stryker pack (as well as a medevac variant). They don't have any special abilities though. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12380 As a matter of fact, yes. We're aiming to give the second style of troop carrier either an M60 or a couple of M249s. Once we actually start work on it, I'll post some pics.
  18. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    And here's the troop carrier, in-game for it's first round of testing: Stiltman is still refining the cargo positions and fire geometry but so far, we're off to a good start. I've made the new packs but I still have to add a few things (door handles, rear bench seats etc.) and tidy everything up. Expect more pics and expect them to look better than these early ones.
  19. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Just a few late night pics for you guys: - Remade the orange ID panel from scratch (much higher resolution) - Made a tripod mount for the .50cal (instead of the pole) - Repositioned the junk in the back to prevent clipping - Added a few new objects (ammo box and another jerry can) - Made a cage for the rear-mounted jerry cans - Tidied up the roof bar in the middle (retextured it and 'wrapped' some straps around the corners for extra detail) - Fixed some issues with the shadow LODs - And..... something else.... I can't remember what.
  20. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    No I hadn't seen these before. I love the detail though. Anything that makes the standard models look more used and personalised gets my vote. On a side note, I have this great high resolution photo, taken inside a Humvee, where the soldiers have plastered the insides with nude photos from their Playboy mags. I was tempted to do something similar for my SLAT armour Strykers but decided against it, for obvious reasons :) Thanks, VeNoM. The recon Humvee is almost 100% complete now btw, the troop carrier still needs a fair bit of work done though. Stiltman is in the process of making it an 8-seater and I'm working on the last bits of detail (new packs, seating and a few other things). I'll post some more pics of each vehicle soon.
  21. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Thanks, Stewy :) The 8-seater troop carrier that you suggested is coming along nicely. I'm really looking forward to testing the model in-game. As for the USMC recon Humvee, it's almost finished now and is so much fun to drive. I really piled on the detail without going over-budget on the polygons. You can't really see from the pics I posted, but I put a clipboard and a pair of binoculars on top of the radio lol. I'll make sure to get a good view of them in my next batch of pics.
  22. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    And here's the first of two troop carriers. After I've finished this one, I'll make a tan coloured version with different details, just for a bit of variety. The two packs on the exterior are just temporary btw. I don't want to overuse those objects so I'll be making a few new ones for this model. I still have quite a lot of work to do for this model, but the groundwork has all been done. All that remains is adding the fine detail and making it look more used.
  23. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Time for a quick update and some new pics. Stiltman and I are currently working on the next additions to the pack: USMC recon Humvee and two styles of troop carrier. So far, the recon variant is about 80% complete and the first troop carrier is only about 50% complete. Because this has no heavy armour, we've increased the top speed slightly. This should make it a more viable recon vehicle in-game. Also, due to the repositioned .50 cal, we've had to modify the firing arc. It's now a forward-facing weapon with 80 degrees of travel. In our tests it works perfectly, you just have to pointing at your target. I'll post more pics as soon as I've tidied it up and added the missing elements.
  24. ExplosiveAids

    ExA HMMWV pack

    Thanks, Ei8ght. And thanks for the suggestion; the GMV would be a great addition. We're currently working two troop transport Humvees and an open top USMC recon variant. After that, I'll make a few GMVs in various configurations :) Btw, keep an eye on the ArmA1 WIP boards over the next week or two, I'll be posting some pics of the new Humvees.
  25. ExplosiveAids

    HMMWV pack (WIP)

    Finished the HMWWVs today, as promised. Head over to the MODS: COMPLETE forum for some more pics and the download link: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1814407#post1814407