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About Fiend

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  1. Thanks alot Koni, that definately helped!!!!
  2. I am very new to ArmA 2. The only experience i have is with OFPDR and some LUA scripting. That being said I want to be able to set the occupants in a vehicle. For instance, I would like to be able to put SF soldiers in HMMWV GPK at mission start as opposed to ordering them in to a vehicle with waypoints at mission start. In addition i would like to put them in specific positions in the vehicle ie driver, gunner, TC, cargo. Also does any one know how or if it is possible to change the weapon on a vehicle through scripting in the Int? For instance, have an M134 instead of a M2 on a HMMWV. Thanks!!
  3. AC-130U Need I say More? After calling in fire from one of these I feel there is not a single weapon in our invintory that is more fearsome and devistating than this gunship. Should not be hard to create as the C-130L is already in the game, just a few tweaks. A must have. A MH-53 Pavelow or any of the 53's would be awesome aswell. Would work with both Marines (CH-53) and SOF (MH-53).