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Everything posted by Wanderzz

  1. Broken multiplayer has made this game a bust. It defeats the whole purpose of owning it.
  2. Wanderzz

    Cant host MP game (v.1.22.125300)

    Bohemia needs to step in here and provide a proper guide on this so we are not guessing and opening up unnecessary ports. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Wanderzz

    Cant host MP game (v.1.22.125300)

    Bad idea. It absolutely makes sense to run defense in depth. Learn how to just open the ports you need and you will be smarter and better off. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Wanderzz

    HE round kill radius

    Anyone else notice how the 20-35mm HE rounds from armor don't seem to do any damage on AI unless you hit them directly with the round or right at their feet? Is this accurate?
  5. Wanderzz

    HE round kill radius

    I thought I felt a disturbance in the force. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Wanderzz

    HE round kill radius

    Not Ultaz. Glad others see this issue. Drives me nuts firing these rounds. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I've been missing this as well. I really enjoyed MSO as it was great just to hop into a map and have enemy AI everywhere. I will check out your vid. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Wanderzz

    Mobile Arma 3 Map Viewer

    Finally! This looks sweet. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Wanderzz

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    The first thing I did was fire up the Comanche and there it was... That amazing sound from the YouTube video. shaweeet!! Thanks for putting that in. The Comanche has real character now. Can you add the howl at distance? I only here the main rotor and not the tail and howl. Setup an AI flyover and you will see.
  10. Wanderzz

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    That's it exactly. But even when not near the trees wind makes noise in your ears. I was just outside and it is quite windy and quite loud.
  11. Wanderzz

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    The sound of wind and the breeze blowing would add quite a bit to the immersion. Would this be suited to JSRS or another mod?
  12. Wanderzz

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Any future plans to give the comanche more specialized sounds? If I heard this coming overhead I would run for cover.
  13. Wanderzz

    physx and cloth

    Would it be hard to make cloth in the game move with Physx? For example, having the canvas on trucks and the Hunter move and flex.
  14. Wanderzz


    I see under Statics there is the MK30A. When placing it on the map it appears to not be able to be "manned" but looks automated yet I cannot find how to activate or control it. Anyone figured it out yet? Edit: I figured out part of it. I created an Empty one. When created a "manned" one it is automated and pretty wild.
  15. Object detail is set to ultra. So its just trees, shrubs, and buildings being drawn that are causing the drop in framerate? Is this HD, CPU or GPU intensive?
  16. I recently bought a GTX 670 with 4GB and the game runs much better but here are some things I've noticed. The view distance can be set to 10k without a problem but the object draw distance has to be below 1500 otherwise there is a huge drop in framerate. This is most noticable when flying, especially in the plane, there is a huge drop in frame rate when turning "my head" side to side. The slower the plane speed the better the framerate because it appears to be less objects needs to be drawn as fast. Object detail has a huge impact as well - lower detail really helps with performance. So my question is this: When objects are being drawn are all the objects being drawn - rabbits, snakes shrubs etc etc?? When in a plane at 1000 feet I will never see these.
  17. Love this mission. V1 worked but v3 is not. It is requiring ACR. I do have ACR_lite.
  18. Wanderzz

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Not sure if this has been asked as I did not see it - can login be disabled? When playing singleplayer Flashpoint missions the login and logout buttons are grey after respawning.
  19. Wanderzz

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Did you ever figure this out?
  20. Anyone else having problems with the helicopter exploding when dropping a vehicle?
  21. Is there a way for two teams to edit a mission file? Scenario: I play with a friend of mine. We would like to each be able to create a base and attack/defend without the other knowing what we created on the map. Right now I make the BLUFOR and OPFOR bases and we then play.
  22. Wanderzz

    Dual-Team created missions

    Good idea. I will give that a try.
  23. I looked am must be missing something. I do not see any improvements. Are there extra files I need in the Arma directory like what was used with FXAA in order to get PPAA to work? Here is my .cfg file: language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1200; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1200; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1061601280; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=1; AToC=7; PPAA=3; PPAA_Level=3; Windowed=0;
  24. Anyone having problems with enemies ignoring and not firing? Tried TAK and CHE new missions with BASE mission code. I can get out of a heli and walk right up to enemy. RPT Output: [41459,1137.63,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=MSO4%2e02, worldName=Chernarus, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"] [41459,1137.83,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"] [41786,1143.66,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"] [41786,1143.68,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] [41786,1143.68,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=7, BIS_functions=L 1-1-A:1, group=L 1-1-A, player=B 1-1-A:1 (User), _playerType=USMC_Soldier_Pilot", _playerGroup=B 1-1-A, _playerVehicle=B 1-1-A:1 (User), _playerVehicleType="UH1Y"] "MSO version: 4.02" "MSO-11.791 Nou Caching (SERVER) Starting" "MSO-11.816 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 1 Groups 4/0 Active/Cached Units" "MSO-11.816 Weather Server Start: Overcast=0.295405" "MSO-11.816 Weather Server Start: Fog=0" "MSO-11.816 Weather Server Start: Rain=0.704626" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: O=[0.295405,0.0957169,11.816,2216.05]" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: F=[0,0,11.816,452.659]" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: R=[0,0.9202,11.816,2629.1]" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Start: Overcast=0.295405" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Start: Fog=0" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Start: Rain=0" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: O=[0.295405,0.0957169,11.816,2216.05]" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: F=[0,0,11.816,452.659]" "MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: R=[0,0.9202,11.816,2629.1]" "MSO-15.063 Dog Packs # 28" "MSO-16.015 Shepherds # 32" "MSO-18.742 Town Manager - Starting" "MSO-18.742 Town Manager - Locations: 46" "MSO-24.953 Convoy: destinations(141) spawns(9) convoys(3)" "MSO-24.953 Convoys # 3" "MSO-25.328 TerrorCells: spawns(9) cells(5)" "MSO-25.487 Enemy Population initLocations 660" "MSO-27.234 Enemy Population # 10" "MSO-28.486 Convoy: #3 [4968.92,12600.1] [6365.18,7637.45] [2.56902,1627.88] Motorized" "MSO-29.057 Convoy: #2 [5027.13,12542.2] [11541.4,6574.32] [11984.7,13104.8] Motorized" "MSO-29.154 Convoy: #1 [4949.38,12557.4] [3728.28,2311.81] [9662.6,13575.3] Motorized" "MSO-45.309 Enemy Population # 20" "MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 30" "MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 40" "MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 50" "MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 60" "MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 70" "MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 79" "MSO-47.411 WICT Population initLocations 660" "MSO-47.411 WICT Population # 10" "MSO-47.411 WICT Population # 20" "MSO-47.411 WICT Population # 30" "MSO-48.928 WICT Population # 40" "MSO-49.373 WICT Population # 43" "Starting WICT Controller" "Stopping WICT Controller" "MSO-101.178 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 15 Groups 51/43 Active/Cached Units" Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\ru\waiting.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\ru\waiting.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\jsempripraven.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\jsempripraven.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss' Behaviour "MSO-161.776 Air Traffic: #6, Vehicle: An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 Start: [-2200,8718.1,643.053] Landing: e7d98800# 137660: ss_hangar.p3d End: [-2200,16792.4,643.053]"
  25. Looks like that did it. Plenty of enemies now. Thanks!