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Everything posted by tryteyker

  1. Do you have other civilian units on the map? If not, add this to the execVM: civcenter = createCenter civilian; also in your script: if(!isServer) exitWith{}; should be the correct syntax. Also in your execVM, how is _randomPos defined?
  2. Do you want instant paradrops on mission start? The only time a parachute action will display is if you 1) HALO (via scripts) 2) eject out of a vehicle in midair (this is the only non-script method I know of to deploy a chute) For instant paradrops you need the paradrop.sqs in ca. Or halo_init.sqs in air2 for HALO. Btw, why don't you want to use scripts?
  3. You could run a script from your init.sqf, like this: [] execVM "dogdistancecheck.sqf"; dogdistancecheck.sqf: while {true} do { if (player distance dog < 2) then { player setDamage ((getDammage player) - 0.1); sleep 2; }; This will cause the game to constantly check if player is within range of unit named "dog", and if the player is, then he gets 0.1 damage every 2 seconds (because no dog in the world can constantly bite somebody to death without break) Hope this helps.
  4. Try this trigger condition local player Random ideas are always good to have :P
  5. Use an eventhandler heloname addEventhandler ["GetIn","[] execVM ""lock_driver.sqf"""]; If you're not removing it at any point it will always trigger when somebody enters the vehicle.
  6. A waituntil in the init.sqf is really bad. Especially a waituntil {alive player} because the init.sqf runs BEFORE the player spawns. Just saying. Also dragonsyr what your piece of code does is it waits until the player is alive to add an action to a helo. The init.sqf runs when the mission starts so this makes no sense. Also to see the action you got to be in the helo.
  7. tryteyker

    Scorch052's Scripts

    So you made the ST shoot from vehicle addon? Interesting. It seemed rather functional in the videos I've seen from ST but these are obv edited. Seems rather complex script-wise (since I don't know how you accomplish giving the player access to his weapon) but I'll def have fun with the scrpt, might even take a look at it to see how it works. Thanks for the uploads. //Edit btw what's the ST Littlebird Enhancement exactly? I never got what that was, just that it edited the skids somehow.
  8. tryteyker

    Spec Ops: Russian Occupation

    Ah, I was thinking that you have to import a sound file for every line said to fix this. I will implement that and release a fix for this soon. Thanks. And about the start of a campaign, I'm actually not quite sure if I will do this. I've been very focused on other projects lately (scripts for addons, other mission concepts, learning more stuff) and I'm not sure if I will ever try myself at a campaign in the future.
  9. Would anybody mind explaining what __notlocalexit and PARAMS_2 means here? It doesn't make much sense to me personally. _position etc doesn't seem to be defined.
  10. Actually just noticed the groupChat that got executed in the vid. That's supposed to be debug and won't be in the final release (I'll send you an updated version konyo)
  11. You'll want the unitReady command most likely. Also sleep is essentially a waitUntil without condition and set waiting time. FYI.
  12. You can just post it here, will be easier to find via google and such either way.
  13. Thought I'd update this for you folks :P The boat script is done, Konyo should be releasing a video of it soon. Most of the stuff is included in the Readme, and it's almost identical to the ATV script (feature-wise), but there's a huge difference script-wise. Mission makers will have access to both scripts seperately and will be able to use these scripts (ALL scripts from both the ATV and boat script are required for everything to work properly, except the init.sqf) in their missions. I also added a script which checks for crew, and I'll give you guys a quick rundown how it works. 1. People man their respective boats. 2. Once the action "Attach boat(s)" gets executed, every crew member inside these boats gets moved into the cargo of the Chinook. 3. The crew members of the boat get an action to move back into their boats (crewmembers from the first boat automatically move into boat 1, same with crewmembers from boat 2). Everyone in the Chinook gets this action but only the crew from the boat(s) are able to use it. 4. The action gets removed as soon as NOBODY is left in the cargo space. Properly calculating this was extremely hard as every playsession can be different, so it is strongly advised to NOT carry extra infantry around when doing a water insertion (seriously who does that) 5. As the boat gets ejected it'll be ejected with a speed of 15 m/s (with crew inside) or 5 m/s (no crew inside) onto the water. If the Chinook is above 25m, it'll parachute out. I strongly advise against parachuting it out though, it can land anywhere. It's not exactly stealthy either. Like, the AI reacts if a boat lands ontop of their head, so yeah. Oh, you can parachute out crew too if they're in the boat. As the boat hits the ground it'll get an action to attach it to the Chinook again. The Chinook & extra boat have to be in range of 20 to 50m for this to work. Same as with the ATV script. Note that no crew gets a free teleport when the boat gets ejected, so count your guys and make sure everybody's in. That was about everything for now, hope you guys will like the script once it gets released (or both of the scripts for that matter)
  14. tryteyker

    User mission requests!

    I actually had this idea flow through my mind of a couple of coop missions (2 to 4 player coop maybe) that basically put the players into the role of a navy pilot. The players would be stationed on the USS Khe Sanh (yes, the carrier from Utes) which has been redeployed to Chernarus. On the carrier the players would be getting a briefing, but beyond that they're free to explore the carrier. Missions get assigned as soon as the players enter their respective vehicles and are ready to fly out. This won't be SP compatible because the AI isn't able to take off properly from a carrier (unless you wait 5-10 mins). Also missions are random. But they only show up once. I've been working on this for a bit ("a bit" means I had fun dogfights for myself and played around with the carrier) but I'd like to hear if anybody's interested in this.
  15. Are you sure it's not just ping / latency issues? This is my first guess from what you described here.
  16. How does your execVM for smallgroup.sqf look? _this select 0 and _this select 1 select from the array you passed to the execVM, that's why I ask. You also have "removeremoveallweapons" on the Support Class. Additionally, post what -showscripterrors shows you when executing this script (which you find in your arma2.rpt file)
  17. while {true} do { { _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setSpeedMode "FULL"; } foreach units group player; }; Put this in a trigger or script. They'll get slaughtered though because they'll rush through and won't bother engaging. Safe and Aware are kinda useless for that since they'll just stand up and walk, slowly, slowly, slowly. The while loop is necessary because aslong as there's enemy contact they'll try setting themselves to "DANGER" mode. Additionally, try this: disableAI "FSM"; This will disable their behaviour scripts and should make them follow the waypoint, although untested.
  18. You need to define _group first obviously. So if you have something like this: _group = [//details] call bis_fnc_spawngroup; { _x setDir 0; _x setSkill 1; } foreach units _group; it will work.
  19. Well I had this ready at first but was not sure how to properly implement it, so your suggestion worked just as fine actually. Hey, F2k Sel, thanks for the piece of code. Is there a way to turn that around and make units move into the cargo of the boat instead? As I mentioned previously the boat is pretty much invisible and moveincargo doesn't work. The script itself returns no errors. Also, what would be the best way to basically count all units within an array, and if one of these units isn't in the boat once an action gets executed, move that unit into the boat? The condition has to fit into an if-statement (well that's the plan anyway)
  20. Hi, I'm nearly complete with my boat script, just need to work out how to get the people back into the boat. What I thought of is creating an array and passing every unit into that array for later use with forEach. How would I accomplish this? { boat1units = _x; } foreach crew boat1; is obviously not gonna work. Any ideas?
  21. Thanks, it sorta worked. Seems like I'm more running into modeling issues that I can't seem to fix, specifically that the crew of the boat won't move into cargo positions when sitting in an attached boat. Well, more testing.
  22. Include the _x setDir 0 in your previous forEach with setSkill 1, but it should work either way.
  23. [] is an array containing random marker locations for extra randomization incase you want that. "FORM" is exactly what you said, it tells the units to go into formation once spawned, standard is Wedge. It can be changed with setFormation. For set direction spawn, maybe try this: { _x setDir 0; } foreach units _group; The above assumes you have named the group you spawned _group (or rather assigned that variable to it)
  24. _lzPickup = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle _start; Same for _lzDropOff. The setvehicleinit is not needed if executed mid-mission. _chgroup addWaypoint [_end,0] is the correct syntax. Where is _ch defined? I don't see it anywhere really. There shouldn't be anything else except that, just a personal tip. Don't start changing huge scripts if you're not used to scripting at all, start small.
  25. Grass doesn't have a classname IIRC.