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Everything posted by tryteyker

  1. tryteyker

    Single Player Missions

    I'm in the process of making one. If your repository is still up or you're still working on it in 3-4 weeks I'll drop you a PM with an early beta which you can add.
  2. What exactly are you trying to do? Add civilians on the map? Or move civilians to BLUFORs side? If the latter, place a BLUFOR unit with 0 probability of presence soemwhere on the map, and link the civilian units to it. They will be BLUFOR now.
  3. They should all be in the config viewer. I don't have it infront of me sadly but CfgGroups is definitely in the config viewer.
  4. Use group player instead and remove _user = _this select 1, it's not needed. Use this with addaction thoguh as there is no Eventhadler called "Join Group". Also, any particular reason why you use sqs over sqf?
  5. tryteyker

    Skirmish module tutorial?

    Tried synchronizing with the player? Alot of modules are dependent on the player (for distance checks) and need to be synchronized with F5.
  6. I already made like 6 reports on the feedback tracker, including the AI problems I mentioned. No worries there.
  7. IMO performance is worse than ArmA 2 for me. I could run ArmA 2 on high to medium (mixed settings) with 30-35 FPS solid, but even on Medium I only get like 25 FPS max in some terrains. What I like though is that settings are balanced. Lowering everything to low does make a difference (not like in Arma 2 where putting Shadows on low for example would strain your CPU alot more than putting them on high, as this puts the shadows on the GPU). The editors config and functions viewer is nice, rest is pretty standard though. I have to disagree with the AI though. For me they are worse than in Arma 2, and I have had AI clip through walls constantly and not use buildings at all (and if told to regroup inside a building they exit through walls). They also move around slowly if there are enemies nearby, making the mvery ineffective.
  8. IMO the Editor has been improved over the A2 editor, as alot of objects now have a little preview picture in the drop down menu. I wouldn't mind a 3D Editor (like we have in Arma 2), but please keep a 2D editor if you decide to implement a 3D Editor because the 3D Editor in A2 is a messsssss. I do agree with the OP that question mark placeholders are quite annoying, especially with little objects.
  9. tryteyker

    The Grenade Thread

    If you introduce a special grenade mode, you essentially have Arma 2. An extra grenade mode accessible with F or anything else is clumsy and requires alot of time, time which can be used to throw a grenade. And about the gear, well you can always switch keys on them :P Or just think like this: "G" = Grenade, "I" is short for "Inventory".
  10. tryteyker

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Brilliant, thanks a bunch :)
  11. Hey folks, so I'm planning for a mission concept here and it's going pretty much haywire all the way. The issue at hand is basically that buildingPos' positions are not reliable at all. I have marked all the building positions with small arrows, and as you can see they're pretty screwed downstairs, where buildingpos basically places two three people besides eachother. The building I did this with is directly to the left of the crossroad in Timurkalay. Sadly I can't provide screenshots since Arma doesn't want to take them. Now the odd thing isn't directly the building positions (as this is Armas fault) but rather how do I make the AI stay in 1 position if they're in 1 group? Setting behaviour to Stealth & Combat mode to Safe did not help. I tried both ways, via function & via editor (waypoint - click on house - select position in dropdown menu) and the editor just screws up totally, placing 6 of the 10 guys in one place. Script causes all of them to return to formation. I also tried disableAI "move", however this causes their aim to be screwed totally and that equals being useless to me. Anybody else that is able to come up with ideas on how to get people to stay in their places assigned via buildingpos whilst leaving them in 1 group?
  12. Nimrod that kind of eliminates the point of placing them in the building :P Since they're supposed to ambush a US convoy. Surprisingly they're goddamn good at it whilst the US convoy is horribly bad at even returning fire. Thanks both for your help though.
  13. Thanks, that worked. Got any idea on how to make them ignore stuff around them completely though? They always seem to go into Combat mode and go prone once they get setpos'd, even without me around at all.
  14. @Attorney Your example would essentially give him 24 Hellfire missiles :P According to Six Config Browser the only mod supporting less than 8Rnd Hellfire mags is ACE, which has 12, 16, 1, 2, 4 and 8 Hellfire mags. Vanilla arma only supports 8Rnd Hellfire mags. I don't know anything about a method to subtract single shots from vehicles though so it might be possible, but if memory serves correctly we've had this topic a while back (~2012) and nobody could get that to work.
  15. I've just doublechecked and there only seems to be a #kick command for chat use, but a kick command wasn't in there. forceEnd only ends the mission according to BIKI but I don't see how this would help lots as the hacker can just enter lobby and reconnect.
  16. Tried adding a semicolon after kick (_this select 0) ? So kick (_this select 0);
  17. The thing with addAction is that things are only local. You also use createVehicleLocal which should only, obviously, create it for the pilot. Also is there a particular reason you use sqs over sqf? To move back to your original issue, try something like this: init.sqf redlight = false; greenlight = false; lights.sqf waitUntil {greenlight || redlight}; if (redlight && isServer) then { _redlight = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos c130); _redlight setLightAmbient [255,0,0]; _redlight setLightBrightness 0.5; _redlight setLightColor [255,0,0]; _redlight lightattachobject [c130, [0,-4,-1]]; sleep 20; deletevehicle _redlight; redlight = false; }; if (greenlight && isServer) then { _greenlight = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos c130); _greenlight setLightAmbient [55,255,0]; _greenlight setLightBrightness 0.5; _greenlight setLightColor [55,255,0]; _greenlight lightattachobject [c130, [0,-4,-1]]; sleep 20; deletevehicle _greenlight; greenlight = false; }; Make an addaction for both greenlight and redlight. redlight.sqf redlight = true; publicVariable "redlight"; greenlight.sqf greenlight = true; publicVariable "greenlight";
  18. Well there you kinda got my idea. I was thinking about an entity check of satchels and then check the distance to an IED and execute proper scripts. It would work but I understand your concern if you mention performance.
  19. Well then I see no reason why it shouldn't be available there. I'd definitely check with Steam however as store.bistudio.com purchases only give you a Steam key.
  20. What Korea are we talking about here though?
  21. tryteyker

    Gambit Royale FDF Edition

    Kommie we're really on the same boat here :D But considering that A3 is still Alpha I doubt people will hop onto it directly, let's not even talk about multiplayer. So I'd say continue making mission but at the same time make missions for A3 once it's out. :P
  22. SQF isn't the only language I know, I am learning Python (been jumping between C++, Java etc), it's just that I don't have motivation to continue with these things really :( Well, for syntax highlighting, use Notepad ++ with this sqf syntax highlighting (includes autocorrect) As for "little documentation", you have a whole wiki at your disposal, and you also have an extensive documentation ingame accessible via F1. That is absolutely enough. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Main_Page
  23. SQF will not be replaced by Java, really. SQF is still the main language for Arma and scripting commands that are being added are in sqf. At thend I'd be very surprised if Java replaces sqf. I also don't know where you have "barely support" from, as sqf is the main language within Arma (and only within Arma). Also, sqf is an incredibly easy language to work with. You have very basic if statements, while loops, for, etc, everything you have in language much like Java, but the rest is just ingame commands you can view via BIKI. Here's a helpful link: http://seit.unsw.adfa.edu.au/coursework/ZEIT2305/Resources/SQF_Tutorial/basic_sqf.HTML //Edit Okay to be fair I might've sounded a bit offputting there :P I have never heard anything of Java replacing SQF at all and seeing as BI still scripts things in SQF I see little reason why Java would replace SQF. I wouldn't mind it replacing sqf (gives me something new to learn, I just never find the motivation to start ._.), but it's just not going to happen really.