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Everything posted by tryteyker

  1. tryteyker

    [SP] Capture of Agia Marina

    Updated with Armaholic mirror. orlok, I try to keep mods to a minimum, considering how most mods write themselves into the mission.sqm even though they're not used (like CBA), especially in ArmA3. This mission isn't really guaranteed to work with let's say AI mods but if you have like a soundmod I'd say it does work. Just keep that in mind.
  2. Hey, so I noticed there are lots of new people starting with ArmA 3 editing now that it's out. Which is good, actually. But alot of people seem to have the mentality of "doesn't work the first time around, I BETTER ASK STRAIGHT AWAY". Which is, well.. Not that good. But it's understandable. So I had this idea of putting together a quick guide of what you should probably do BEFORE starting up a new thread here. It'll be more like a Q&A stylish thing in the beginning. I want to get started with sqf but don't know what to do, HELP. :( No worries. You should take a look at this guide. It'll help you get started. Just ignore the part "sqs to sqf" because sqs is from ArmA1 so it's not used in ArmA3 anymore. I also recommend Mr Murrays Editing Guide. The scripts are written in sqs so they are not useable but the basic concepts still apply. German Version of Mr Murrays Editing Guide (Direct PDF) English Version of Mr Murrays Editing Guide (Download from Armaholic) I need to find classnames for weapons, vehicles, etc etc! Well ArmA 3 is a huge step forward in that case. Not only do you have a Config Viewer directly in the game, you also have classnames in the top right when you try to place a unit. You also have external resources available to you. If the Config Viewer is a bit too big for you on first glance, don't worry. It's relatively easy. It's actually LOGICAL. So say you want to find a magazine classname. You look for CfgMagazines. Easy, right? So everything has a Cfg prefix. After that just look for the things you want to find. CfgWeapons for example includes Vests, Headgear, Weapons and Goggles. I'll go a bit more in-depth about CfgWeapons here: There seem to be lots of weapons in CfgWeapons but infact there are few base weapons. The different weapons simply have pre-defined attachments. So for example "ARifle_Khaybar_Base_F" is the basic Khaybar Weapon (the "parent" class). "ARifle_Khaybar_C_ACO_F" is the base weapon ("parent") plus an attachment (ACOG). This is a subclass. By now you have probably noticed 2 reocurring things. ARifle, and F. ARifle is a prefix, short for "Assault Rifle". There are currently only 5 Assault Rifles in the game. There are different prefixes, all of them are logical and just require logical thinking. "optics" is self-explaining. "ARifle" = Assault Rifle. "SRifle" = Sniper Rifle (only 1 in the game currently). "H_" = Headgear. "G_" = Goggles. "V_" = Vest. "U_" = Uniform. Subtypes of "U_" include: "U_B" = BLUFOR uniform. "U_C" = CIVILIAN uniform (basically poloshirts etc) "U_O" = OPFOR uniform. After this you'll probably still ask yourself "How do I get the magazine name and all that jazz?". Well, look to your right. You see the config of the weapon, muzzles etc. Scroll down, you'll see "magazines[] = {magnames}". This is what you want. In here you will see magazine names. The most common magazine name for Assault Rifles is: "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag" This comes in different varities ("_caseless_green","_caseless_mag" etc) but it will be listed. Just remember, the number 8 is just like you remember it from a digital clock. The number 9 is not. What I wanted to say magazine names are a pain in the ass to read because of shady fonts. You are also able to look up magazine names in CfgMagazines. So I kinda wrote about how to use the Config Viewer, I guess. Onto external resources: SIX CONFIG Browser - By far the best external resource. It's practically the config but outside the game. ArmA3 Classnames - This is unfinished but it's being worked on. It'll include weapon, vehicle and unit classnames (hopefully) My script isn't working, WHAT DO I DO?! You calm down, first of all. Then, you go ingame, move your cursor towards the Debug Console (at the top, on the right side of the cloud (Intel) symbol) and use it. Well, HOW DO I USE IT? You see these little "Exec" buttons on the right? On the left of that are input fields. Now you just go ahead and write a regular execution in there, so something like this: nul = [] execVM "testing.sqf" Then you press the "Exec" button right next to the input field. It'll spit out the LATEST error if you have -showscripterrors on (which I recommend). The rest of the errors are saved in your arma3.rpt file, BUT I strongly recommend deleting it before testing a big script. What's this rpt file, -showscripterrors and stuff you're talking about? Okay, so, -showscripterrors is self-explaining, right? It shows you script errors. If you're scripting, have this on. It's quite precise in telling you what's wrong. So how do you activate it? Via launch parameters. Since we all use Steam, here's a quick explanation: 1) Start up Steam. 2) Go to your library. 3) Find ArmA 3 Alpha. 4) Right click - Properties - "General" Tab - Set Launch Options Here, you enter -showscripterrors into the input field presented to you. About the rpt file. It's basically a text file which stores all errors recorded during the game. Since ArmA 3 is in alpha state, your RPT will be clogged with random errors. That is why I recommend deleting it completely before testing a script. This will allow you to focus on the errors of your script and not be thrown away by random errors. You can find the rpt file here: %appdata%\Local\ArmA 3 Alpha\arma3.rpt If you don't know what AppData is: Windows Button + R. Type in %appdata%. Press enter. And you're there. Or just press the Windows button in the bottom left (HAHAHA WINDOWS 8 USERS) and use the search field under the "All Programs" thing. The search field is actually the run.exe thingy, just hidden, you know. Advanced Stuff (scripts, advanced questions such as "How do I change my loadout" etc) This is a placeholder for now but I will update this accordingly with some basic-to-advanced scripts for popular questions (such as how to change your loadout) and whatever. Arma 3 Crate Filler http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147685-ALPHA-ARMA-3-Crate-Filler Edit briefings properly: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147830-Editing-mission-breifings&p=2329544&viewfull=1#post2329544 Helicopter insertion / extraction IN MULTIPLAYER: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?86729-quot-It-Works-quot-Helo-Insertion-Extraction-in-MP How to use the task modules: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148179-Tutorial-How-to-use-the-Task-Modules How to set up multiplayer respawns: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148041-Noob-mission-editor-requires-assistance-with-multiplayer-respawns&p=2318013&viewfull=1#post2318013 Armaholic Newbie FAQ: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751 (Thanks to dushveti for the above links.) Arma 2 full Scripting Commands list http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 Arma 3 new Scripting Commands list http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_New_Scripting_Commands_List A view on (Multiplayer) scripting, by Sickboy http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG Locality in Multiplayer http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Locality_in_Multiplayer (Thanks to squ33z3 for the above links.)
  3. Thanks, stuff exactly like that. Updated main topic. //Edit Yes Nicholas, this is absolutely a poem and you should read it in the appropriate voice! :D Formatted things, now aligned left properly.
  4. Gonna give this a little push right here, feel free to add stuff to this as I right now don't really have anything else to add. There should still be some good resources in here for newcomers (I hope so)
  5. There is a debug tool ingame. Use your .rpt file which you can find in %appdata%\Local\Arma 3 Alpha\ to spot any errors from the script. A bit more info here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149101-Things-you-should-%28probably%29-do-before-posting-a-new-thread-in-this-section As squ pointed out you mixed sqf with sqs. As for why your chat is not showing up is because it's not global. You'd have to execute the script client-side to display text properly for everybody. That requires you splitting the script though as running scripts which add scores client-side will result in nasty mixups.
  6. Capture of Jilavur DOWNLOAD Armaholic mirror: - Capture of Jilavur (@) What is Capture of Jilavur? Capture of Jilavur is a simple, quick, semi-random mission I made because I didn't want to focus fully on Arma 3. Basically, OPFOR captured Jilavur (I dunno.. captured sounds like being taken hostage or something..) and an Independent Faction has risen (from the dead, y'know) and fights for the Independence of Jilavur. That includes shooting you. You're just an Automatic Rifleman in a 2 platoon sized force that's tasked with retaking (capturing :P) Jilavur. You also have Special Forces and snipers with you, but also against you (from Russia). Required addons Yep, always will have required addons. :) BB Mercs by Schnapsdrosel ( http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6471) CBA CO (CBA_A2,CBA_OA,CBA will work too.) Combined Operations v1.62 (obviously) Beta (holy shit I didn't update this WHAT HAVE I DONE. Should work with latest though, required for CBA CO) Konyo's MH-47E v1.3 (not that it has any special use, I just like it. Has enough space n stuff) MoodJukeBox (kinda like placeholder music but it's quite cool. If you don't want to hear music, don't install it) Anything else? No, go play if you want.
  7. tryteyker

    [SP] Capture of Jilavur

    Ah, good to know. So it doesn't matter which CBA version they use.
  8. @Skymir You need to replace the "user" with "player" (without quotation marks).
  9. Remember though the default Diver gun is the only one useable underwater.
  10. sproyd, the helos have glue under their skids. A drop from 100m wont even damage it slightly :P If you don't want the player to die on mission start, try spawning a Littlebird somewhere on the edge of Stratis. In the init.sqf do this: lb setDamage 1; sleep 0.02; lb setpos ((getposATL player select 0) + 10); This should kill the LB but shouldn't affect the player as it doesn't explode at his position.
  11. If you are not using re-occurring tasks, I recommend TaskMaster 2
  12. tryteyker

    Editor map precision

    Buildings are kind of a thing on it's own in both Arma 2 and Arma 3. Placing them ontop of buildings does not work as they do not automatically take proper building positions, and even buildingPos is extremely weird and has extremely weird placements. So yeah it's pretty much a pain to work with buildings, and changes would definitely be welcome. Try the Feedback Tracker for that suggestion aswell.
  13. tryteyker

    Add NVG and suppressor

    The underwater weapon is the only one that is unable to have any attachments on it. I fail to see how a suppressor is relevant though as the diving AI does not react to fire and the water supresses the bullet enough already.
  14. It's "ColorRed". Every color is preceded by the "Color" prefix.
  15. You can't create local variables in triggers, so remove the _. "Objective" isn't a valid markertype, I strongly suggest you use the ingame config viewer and hit up CfgMarkers. Try mil_objective or hd_objective.
  16. Welcome to Armaaa :P
  17. correct syntax for first trigger condition: ((getposATL vehicle player) select 2) >= 100
  18. So tky_IED is a valid type / subtype? That's about the only error I could possibly spot here. Maybe try fiddling with the "Activation" field, set it to BLUFOR or something.
  19. First question, try something like this in the init.sqf: boat setVelocity [(sin (getDir boat)) * 5, (cos (getDir boat)) * 5, 0.1]; boat engineon true; This gives it a little push which should be enough. For the second question, just put this in the players init line: player moveincargo boat;
  20. tryteyker

    ArmA 3 CFGMarkers List?

    Use the config viewer in the ingame editor, CfgMarkers is in there too.
  21. _ambx = ammobox; { _ambx addWeaponCargo [_x,1]; } foreach [weapon1,weapon2]; If you want to add more weapons, add them to the array.
  22. setFriend is very unreliable. If you are using small groups group the individual units to an independent object. They'll become independent and should be shot properly by both sides.
  23. The Real Virtuality Engine uses SQF which is RV exclusive. The only thing you need to know are general statements (if, while, switch, for) and some things like foreach and waitUntil. Helpful link: http://seit.unsw.adfa.edu.au/coursework/ZEIT2305/Resources/SQF_Tutorial/basic_sqf.HTML SQF is pretty easy to learn I'd say. About execution order, you can execute scripts at any time during the game with the following: nul = [array of things you want to pass to the script] execVM "script.sqf"; If you want to execute things on mission start there's a file called init.sqf, which you put into your mission folder. This file gets executed on Mission Start (during loading screen). Be aware that you shouldn't add sleeps or waitUntils (NEVERRR WAITUNTILS) in this as it will BLOCK the mission. So for example if I put this in my init.sqf: waitUntil {player == player}; it's not going to load the mission because the player does not spawn before mission start, and at the same time the init.sqf needs to be completely done before the mission can start. Execution order within the init.sqf is from top to bottom, so pretty simple. But remember sqf has little to do with other languages except statements and for the most part it's just ingame commands (which you can find on the BIKI). I wouldn't even call it a language on it's own.
  24. tryteyker

    Player Array Script

    What you're essentially doing is select _i, which isn't more than 0, ever. Your code only executes once because as a condition you wrote "_i < (count playerarray)". Use <= instead if you want it to be 1. You also have a nested array. So lets take your first code, and _i is 0. (playerarray select _i) select 0 This selects the first nested array and selects the first unit out of it. So P1. Switch things around. If I'm not mistaken here count playerarray will only equal to 1 as it shouldn't count things inside nested arrays.