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About originalninjatoaster

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  1. originalninjatoaster

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    This ones might be a little big, but I was thinking of an American styled map/island akin to Operation:Road Rage in the BF2 dlc Armored Fury. It would have a sort of Southern United States/Florida kinda feel to it. Trailer Parks, shopping malls, suburbs, etc. The setting has rarely been touched on in game and I'd like to see it in Arma. Some other ideas I had for it were: -Large Highway -Suburbs -Convenient stores -trailer parks -shopping centers -farms on the outskirts -small city(maybe a resort city or town) -small towns ranging from coastal to inland Maybe for terrain have alot of flat ground with some variations in height and wetlands. Maybe also add a coast with a smallish port town. Some images to give you more of an idea of what I mean: http://images.stopgame.ru/screenshots/8103/battlefield_2_armored_fury-2.jpg (159 kB) This is just a suggestion of course.
  2. originalninjatoaster

    Project RACS

    What do i need to i need to do in order to test pracs addons?